A Little Advice || Sapnap

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Sapnap's POV

I walk into the school, dragging my palms against my jeans to wipe off the excessive sweat.

I messed up, and I messed up bad. My eyes darted around the halls, hoping I wouldn't catch sight of a certain cheerleader.

"AYE! Nick! My man!"

I hear from across the hallway. My eyes snap up, finding brown ones, belonging to a certain beanie wearing friend. "Alex!"

He smiled wide, slapping my shoulder as he guided me towards our usual group of friends. "So the party last night?" He questions, a smug grin on his face.

I cringed at the thought of it. "Yeah, listen it's not-"

"Oh, hey Sapnap!" I turn and see some of my other friends, George, Clay, and Karl.

"Hey guys..." I stated, giving a timid smile.

"Oh come on, we know what you did." Clay smirks, raising his eyebrows in a suggestive manner.

"Y-you do?" I asked, feeling my face flush in embarrassment.

"Um, yeah?" George says, like it's the most obvious thing in the world. They all waited expectantly for me to say something but I came up with nothing.

'They heard? Already?'

"Dude, you banged the most popular girl in school, of course we know!"

My eyes widened slightly but I recovered, nodding and smiling. "Yeah yeah, right!"

'They don't know.'

"So how was it?" Quackity asked.

The bell rang and the attention of the environment shifted, it was now on a certain cheerleader trudging through the halls, her prissy posse on her heels.

Tiffany Clarke.

All eyes were on her, and she was not in the mood. As she walked by, she glared at me, hard, her 4 followers doing the same. Everyone stared at me for a second before turning back to speak in hushed whispers as they walked to class.

"That doesn't look like someone who was screaming your name last night..." Karl says, confusion evident in his tone. I give him a stern glance and sigh. "What?" He asks, as if he's done nothing wrong.

I roll my eyes and start to step away from the group. "Whatever dude, I gotta get to class."

We all said our farewells and split up, Clay and I heading to the same class, Physics.

"Alright, what's up?" Clay asks, catching up to me.

"What do you mean?" I reply, fidgeting with the straps of my backpack.

"Dude, it's like you aren't even fazed by the fact that you slept with Tiffany Clarke, like the Tiffany Clarke! At her own party too!"

I sighed, walking into our classroom as I answered. "It was cool and all, but, I-I messed up..."

He gave me a concerned look but didn't have time to question me as the bell rang. I dropped my bag next to the lab table and planted my elbows on the wooden surface, cracking my fingers anxiously.

"Morning Nick." I turn to my side and see my lab partner, smiling while writing in her planner. I smiled brightly, yet nervously, upon hearing her voice.

'Has she heard already?'

She wasn't looking at me but I knew her attention was on me. "Morning Y/n!"

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