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I put on one of Jason's shirt on him, looking  him in the eyes. "Ready ?" I asked in a serious tone.

He nodded I opened up the jars of paint. And dipped his hands in two of the bucket. "Don't lick your hands baby" he smiled at me as I diped my hand in the buckets as well.

I stood up and looked at him. I counted down from three. "Three....Go" I yelled running to the big fence. I plaster my hands on the fence making..of course colored hand prints. I smiled at Liam as he slapped his hands on the fence.

I went back to the buckets and carried them over to where we are. I kissed Liam's cheek and he continue used to high five the fence with both hands.

He looked up at me and smiled "can we use our feet ?" He asked I laughed and gave him nod letting him take off his shoes.

I picked him up and lowered his feet into the bucket. "Ew Papa feel weird" I just smiled and ordered him to put his feet up I pressed them up against the fence and they left a footprint.

I saw him clap and smile. I put him down and took seat watching him have fun by himself. Just him and the fence. 


Time passed I picked up my phone and unlocked it. We'll finish tomorrow baby" I said carrying him inside and into the bathroom. I placed him on the mat and turned on the tub. I filled it with bubbles and took off his clothes. And mine.

Yes I'm taking a bath my child don't act like you haven't done it with your parents. I waited a while for the tub to fill and the bubble to start bubbling before getting in and putting Liam in.

He splashed around the small tub water fitting my face multiple times but I didn't mind it. I enjoy spending my time with Liam he's like my entertainment when Jason's not around.

I relaxed in the run when I felt a hand hit my leg. I looked it was Liam and he had a big pout on his face. "Yes baby" he pouted "go to bed papa you tired and taking up space" I rolled my eyes at him.

I really wonder where he got all this sass from. I wasn't that sassy was I ? I grabbed a towel and got out. "When you're done come to my room and then I'll get you dressed."

He nodded and started doing whatever it is that he was doing I got up a sluggishly walled to the room. I don't know where all this sleepiness came from but I'm okay.

I got into bed and rested my head on the pilliow.

Jason McCann POV

I walked into the house and dropped my brief case on the floor. I walked in and found Liam in front of the TV with his crayons. "Hey baby" I said he got up and ran to me. I smiled and kissed his cheek "why are you awake it's late, Where's your papa ?"

"Papa sleepin" he said I nodded "well go on to bed baby" he hugged me before running up the staris. I turned off the TV and walked upstairs to our room.

"Goodnight papa" I heard I saw him on the bed petting jutins hair before kissing his cheek "love you papa"  "love you too baby night" he giggled and got off the bed and ran out but came back "love you too daddy" I smiled at him "I love you too boogers" he smiled and ran off to his bed room.

I stripped down into my boxers before getting into bed. I wrapped my arms around Justin's waist "baby" I whispered, he whispered a yes back "why do you only have on a towel ?" I asked in a quiet voice. "Shut up and cuddle me" he said removing the towel. I let my hand teavle down his body.

He's naked. I poled his private part and earned a groan from him. "Stop it " he said "why are you naked" he shrugged "I should be able to be naked and sleep with you with out having sex" I chuckled lightly and kissed his neck "good night baby" he mumbled a "night". I closed my eyes and let sleep take over me.


Hello my loves how are you. I hope you like this little chapter that I put together.
I have a new book coming out its called Amnesia? And Zendaya is the star of the book it's not a boyxboy book so bear with my if its not that great I'll post it tomorrow

Would you please check it out for me ?

Well that's all my loves have a great day bye bye

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