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I smiled and waited for them to be done with my makeup. I'm so happy my baby's is coming to help me on this photoshoot hopefully he isn't tired like how he was the last time.

I pouted into the mirror and looked at Janice through it. "Hold on Justin just have to cover up a pimple you have in your eyebrow" I looked at her and had the urge to touch my eyebrow

"I swear Janice if you're lying to me I will knock down your make up brushes" she rolled her eyes at me "go, leave my prescense bieber" I rolled my eyes at her "bye Janice" I said walking out the door "fuck you" she yelled I replying "I know you want to" before walking to the set. I looked at it.

It's a fake backyard. I didn't know they actually made these. I  walked over to it "ah Mr.Bieber" I heard I looked up "hi" I said smiling at the man that looked in his near thirties.

"We're is your precious son I've been hearing so much about" I shrugged "my husband should be bring him around soon don't worry" he nodded I looked at him "uh why are we using a fake backyard ?" I asked he simply shook his head at me chuckling. "that's not our set our set is on the top floor."

top floor? That means the roof? What will be doing on the roof. I sighed, they always got me doing some weird shit. I swear

"PAPA" I heard I smiled and turned around to the noise of my rowdy four year old such a cutie. I bent down and opened up my arms to him he ran to me.

I smiled and gave him kisses all over his face. "Hi baby" I said pecking his lips "hi papa" he replied pecking my lips back "ready to help papa at his job" he nodded and gave me that smile of his.

I smiled at him. If he's here then where's Jason. "Where's Daddy" I asked looking at him, he shrugged. I rolled my eyes knowing what already probably-most likely happened.

I picked up Liam and went over to the guy in his thirties. "He's here" I said he turned around smiled. "Great and what is this little babies name" Liam didn't respond I rolled my eyes at him "Liam and he's acting shy for no reason" he hid his face in my neck.

"Alright well let's go up" he said I followed him to the elevator. "Li" I rubbed his back a little. He looked at me with a smile. I smiled back and put his head back down.

We got up on the roof top. Its cute and looks very nice for a tiny space. "Li" I said putting him down. He refused to let go of me.

I groaned "alright take one picture and then you and I will take the rest okay, then we will go get daddy,and have dinner okay" I whispered he nodded "good baby" I let him go and stood him up. I stood up next to the photographer.

He stood there looking tired rubbing his eyes. I pouted at him which caught his attention making him focus on me. I stocked my tongue out and crossed my eyes. He clapped at me and giggled. I smiled at him which made him smile back "perfect" I heard I looked at the photographer who snapped the photo quickly.

"Am I done papa ?" He asked I nodded as he walked over to me and rasied up his hands. I picked him "you did a great a job baby" he yawned me a thank you before resting his head on my shoulder and wrapping his as around my neck. I smiled at my sleepy little tike and kissed his cheek.


This was a quick update I hope you enjoy the picture is of Liam and how he is now just so no one gets confused  this is the present time no longer the past so yeah. what you think Hehe bye

(PS mind my spelling mistakes and errors I did this in a few minutes)

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