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"Jason!" I yelled as I made my way into the house. "Papa!" My baby's smiley face approached me. "Hi LiLi" I picked him up. "Where's your daddy?" "Daddy is in the backyard." I nodded. "Why don't you go upstairs and draw for a little bit okay?" " "but why papa?" "Papa just needs to chat with daddy."

"Can I come?" "No baby this is grown up talk" I said he looked at me a cocked his head to the left a little. "I'm grown up too" I smiled small at him. "I said no baby, now upstairs and draw" he pouted "okay papa" I put him down and watched him walk upstairs before walking out into the backyard.

I stepped out on to the back deck. "Jason!" I yelled he turned around and smiled at me "hey babe" he yelled. I kissed my teeth babe my ass. I walked over to him and looked up at him. He hand on a apron that said "Kiss the chef". This Chef is gonna kiss my ass. He leaned down and tried to kiss me. I put my hand up blocking his kiss.

''What's wrong ?"He asked, I looked at him up and down "Don't act dumb" I said "What are you talking about" "Don't play games with me Jason, i swear ill you" I know I sound crazy but this isnt a fucking joke. "What?" "You gave him my number!?" "Ahh, no" "JASON FUCKING AXEL MCCANN DO NOT FUCKING LIE TO ME" I yelled. I was beyond pissed. "Baby I don't know who you're talking about" I glared at him "look me in my face and tell me you didn't give him my number"

"Who is this he ?" He asked. "You know that lunch I had today" he nodded "I met him there today" he sighed "who the fuck is he ?" I rolled my eyes "Austin, Jason" he eyed my up and down. "Who ?" I swear if he asks who again I'll smack him. "Austin, Jason don't you remember the one that stalked me in High school, the one that got you arrested" "why'd you do met him ?" He asked.

"No you answer me first, why'd you give him my number" his eyes widen at me "I never gave him your number" I shook my head. "That doesn't make any sense" I said "why would I give the one person that ruined my baby's life his number" I looked up at him to see he was already looking down at me. "But how'd he get my phone number then" I mumbled looking down.

"Can we not worry about him right now, I'm making burgers and hot dogs for dinner want one" I looked up at him and nodded. "I'm sorry for coming out here and yelling at you like that" he smiled small at me "no worries baby, I always knew you were crazy anyway." I gasped and punched his arm. "That wasn't funny" I said. "Aw come on my short princess" I rolled my eyes at him.

If you were wondering no I haven't grown I'm still the same height I was at sixteen. Sadly Jason grew more which doesn't make sense at all. But yeah that's what happened. So he call me short princess or shorty. But I guess it alright. Short squad. Who's with me ?

I took set at the small picnic table in the backyard and watched Jason flip around burgers and hot dogs in the grill. He always dose more manly things that me not that I'm saying cooking on a grill is manly but he shows his masculine way more than me but that's alright cause people still think I'm adorable.

"Oh Jason" I said looking up at him "yes" "what are we going to do with Liam's birthday party" he shrugged "let's bring down the soon to be birthday boy" "LeeLee! Baby can you come down here!" I shouted at the window. "Yes papa! I come!" He said. Hearing it faintly. I waited for him to come down.

He came running. "Papa, Daddy" he said hugging Jason's leg. I smiled at them as Jason looked down at liam. "Hi daddy" he said cheesing up at him. "Hello boogers" he responded. Liam stuck his tounge out at him before realsing and climbing onto my lap.

"Well baby what do you want to do for your birthday ?" I asked "um whatever you want" I chuckled "its your birthday not mine" he nodded "I want you to sing at party" I nodded "anything else" I added "have a baby" he said. I looked at him shock. "What" he nodded "you sing, have a baby, have cake, bring justice, candy and daddy" he said.

"Alright what kind of baby" he looked at me "girl, girl,boy" I chuckled "liam you knows that three right" he nodded "have three babies" he said poking my stomach. "LiLi" he looked up at me "are the babies in there yet". I smiled small at him and shook my head.

A pout formed on his lips "put babies in papa, daddy" he said looking at Jason. Jason smirked at me "I defitenaly will, tonight for sure". He winked at me making me giggle and roll my eyes. "Well baby, is that all you want for your birthday ?" He shrugged. "I need time to think" I nodded and Jason set plates down in front of us. Filled with meat and toppings. I made Liam a hot dog with relish and the same for me.

I looked at Jason who was watching the both of us. "Look at my beautiful prince and princess" "I'm not a princess daddy" Jason smiled "I know baby, I'm talking about your papa" Liam looked very confused. "But papa's not a girl, daddy are you blind ?" I laughed really hard I almost chocked on my hot dog.

Hot damn I love my family.

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