C Answers

846 37 8

Liam :

Q1- do u really want your papa and daddy to have 3 more kids?

A- yes I want borter and sisters so me and papa not lonely when daddy not around.

Q2- how does it feel having two dads?

A- I like it, people bother me about it but that's okay my papa and daddy aren't cheating on each other so hm

Q3- What's your favorite kind of candy?? :D

A- sour patch kids

Q4- why are u so darn cute ^^

A- Daddy and Papa made me this way.

Q4- how much do you love your dad's ?

A- um a million times 12 that much.

Justin :

Q1-what's the disadvantages of Jason being so much bigger than you?

A- Well Jason dose a lot of things for me so that is kind of a disadvantage considering I really cant do much because of my height, he alos like to tease me about my height which isn't funny, but other than that there isn't really much of a disadvantage.

Q2- Can you smack Jason for me? For no reason please?

A- of course I will

Q3- how come you're not hanging out with Derek anymore? don't you miss him?

A- of course I do he is my brother but he dose have his own life and children. but I know for sure we will hang out again soon.

Q4-describe your kids in 4 words


Q5- can yall adopt me plzzz?

A-Hm..I need to ask Jase


Q1- what do you love most about Justin?

A- I love how short he is and when he get angry and embarrassed it's so cute. His face gets all red, his nose scrunches up, and he all flustered. I love it

Q2-  I love you so much❤️❤️ and how big to you want your family to be?

A- I want five little us running around the house and I want one animal.

Q3- are you enjoying life? I mean you're working most of the time so are you satisfied with your life? do u enjoy it?

A- yes I have everything I ever wanted money, my baby and babies, nothing more I could ask for.

Q4- describe your kids in 4 words

well im going to assume you mean Liam so

Just. Like. His. Papa

Q5- can yall adopt me plzzz?

A- I'll have to talk to Justin


Q1- where'd you get Justin's number from? why are you stalking him

A- Like I said I got it from Jason and Im not stalking Justin anymore. Is it a crime to miss an old friend ?

Q2- what r u up to u bastard and how did u get Justin's number and why did u say Jason gave it to u? u dumb fuck!!!!!!

A- like I said I got it from Jason believe me if you want and if you don't oh well.


Q1- do u like liam more thn a friend?

A- hehe maybe

Q2- how much do you love Liam?

A- a wole much

Ashley Moore & Aiyanna Lewis

Q- What do you think about Jason and Justin ?

Aiyanna's answer- they have a great relationship and from what I heard the sex is great. I would love a relationship like them it so cute!

Ashley's Answer- Justin and I have been hanging out a lot lately and he dose talk about Jason I think its cute how much they care about each other, I would die for a relationship like that.

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