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I sighed and looked at Jason as he sat at his desk doing paperwork. "Hey, hey you guy im married to" I heard him chuckle with a smile.

"Yes babe" I rolled my eyes at him. Who does he think he is calling me babe after ignoring me for the past hour and an half.

"Come on we were supposed to go have lunch" he shut his laptop and raised his hands up "Fine" I smiled as he gabbed his jacket and came over to me.

He held his hand out "ready baby" I grabbed his hand and stood up. We walked out his office and down the ile to the elevator.

I looked up at him as he looked down at me. "Jase can we move ?" I asked as we stepped onto the elevator he looked at me and raised his eyebrows.

"Why would you ever want to do that" I sucked in some air and blew it out. "Well California is getting kind of boring and I feel like New York could be a new experience for all of us"

"New York is 2,438 miles away from California" I nodded "but my business" I rolled my eyes.

Everything is about his business. "I knew this was going to happen...just forget about it Jason." 

I looked away from him and looked everywhere else rather than him. "Justin?" I ignored him. "Jay" he said squeezing my hand.

I let go of his hand and let it drop to his side. Everything is 'oh my business' I'm getting tired of that excuse.

I felt hands wrap around my waist."Jay I'm sorry" he whispered to me. I rolled my eyes at him. "We can move if you want" I shook my head and turned around.

I looked up at him. "No I don't want to force you anywhere" he gave me a small smile and I returned it.

I grabbed his hand and walked off the elevator.


Lunch with Jason will always be weird to me. I watched him as he ate his sandwich. "Yes" he said "um nothing" he looked at me and I looked back at him. "I saw you staring at me" I nodded. I'm not going to deny it he is mine anyways.

" was your day" I asked, he chuckled and smiled at me "same old" I shook my head "how was yours ?" "good I have a photoshoot booked and they want you on the cover with me" he glanced at me with a questionable look in his eyes.

"Why ?" He asked "well they want to do a magazine spread about the most successful couple in the business next to the rest plus we're a gay couple that's really successful." He nodded.

"Alright when is it" I bit my lip "um Saturday or Sunday I forgot" I smiled at him "alright I'll do it." I thanked him and kissed his cheek. "Ready to leave" I nodded and got up letting Jason pay the bill.

I waited for him outside the shop. I felt a hand grab mine. I smiled and looked at Jason. "What are you gonna do now" he smiled "I'm gonna go pick up Liam, make dinner that stuff" he smiled at me.

"I'll see you at home then" I nodded and pecked his lips "bye baby" I said he kissed my hand before letting it go and walking off.

I walked to my car and got in. I drove to Liam's school and parked my car. I got out and walked up the steps.

I walked in and went into the maim office. "Hi I'm here for Liam McCann" they nodded and called the room I guess. I singed the sign out book and waited. "Papa" I heard I smiled and looked at him as he walked up to me.

"Hi baby" I said picking him up. He smiled and kissed my cheek "Where daddy ?" He asked "oh..daddy's not here" I saw his smile go down a little bit. "Oh" I kissed his cheek.

I don't like seeing him upset especially about Jason. I know Liam wants to spend the more amount of time with and see him more but apparently Jason's"job" keeps him so busy.

"Aw don't be sad my little one..daddy will be home with us soon" he nodded as I walked out the school. I frowned a little cause I still knew he was upset. "Don't worry baby everything will okay" I put him down in his car seat and strapped him in.

I got in the drivers seat and looked albavk at Jim he was staring outside the window and just plan quiet. I sighed. Everything will be okay even if I have to enforce it.

Hello my lovelies I hapoe you liked this little chapter it isn't much to me but I hope you like it. Um tell me what you think I am going to go back to bed. Good morning/night my loves

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