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I looked at Liam as he sat excitedly in his carseat. We're waiting for Jason there's a carnival right out of town and I want to take him to see it.

Like a little family outing. I turned up the radio as the car door opened. I smiled and looked at Jason. He kissed my cheek as I heard Liam clapping.

I started up the car and pulled out the office parking lot. I sang along to the raido"club goin up on a Tuesday got your girl in the club and she choosay" "I think we gettin to deep shit I'm talkin might be to true" I smiled and looked at Jason.

"Don't sing with me loser" I put my main focus back on the road. "Can you believe how mean your papa is begin to me ?" I shook my head knowing Liam was just going to disagree with him."Papa is nice" he stated I smiled and stuck my tonuge out at him.

"But I thought you love me" he said. Although I want lookin at them I can tell Jason's was fake crying or pouting. "I do love you daddy but papa's always around and you not" I frowned.

I don't like that. For a boy at a young age he's very observant of what goes on. I saw him turn back around in his seat.  I pulled into the parking lot and parked.

"Well ready to go everybody" I said trying to ease the situation. "Yay" I heard I smiled and got out. I took Liam out of his car seat and kissed his nose.

He giggled and wrapped his arms around my neck. I went to Jason's door and opened up the door. He pouted and looked at me. I rolled my eyes "get up you big baby".

I watched his get out sluggishly and walk slowly in front of me. I smacked his bum before walking a little faster than him. "When can I do that papa ?" I looked at him and arched my eyebrow "do what ?" "smack people bottoms" he said.

I looked at him "when you get married baby or you know until your like 30" he giggled "that to far" I smiled "oh well" I said he smiled at me. I got the tickets and walked inside the fair.

"Where do you want to go baby" Liam smiled and pointed to a booth that had a big dinosaur on it as a prize. I walked over there and looked at it. Ring toss. I looked around for Jason AMD saw him walking towards us.

"Play it " I demanded he looked at it. And shook his head. I pouted "why not" "I want a kiss from the both of you" I looked at Liam "should we ?" I asked he nodded we both leaned forward and kissed his cheek.

"Now go win that dinosaur for my baby" I said he chuckled and payed. I watched as he got all three very easily. I smiled at him as he got the big dinosaurs. "Daddy yay!"

He yelled I put him down as he ran to Jason and hugged him. I laughed as he held up the dinosaur which was bigger than him.

I followed as he walked down. Jason and I weren't for behind.him. "Liam" I heard I looked around and saw a little girl probably his age waving at him.

He walked over to her and hugged her. I smiled awe. "Justin" I looked at Jason and he pointed at them. I looked to see Liam was holding her hand. Well isn't he a little player

I shook my head at him and looked down when I felt a tug on my pants. "Papa this is my friend Justice" I smiled at her. "Hey baby" she smiled and waved at me. "Where's your family ?" She shrugged. "Justice !" We heard I looked around and saw a woman she was very pretty.

"Mama" she said running over to her. The woman looked at us and waved, I waved back as Jason's arms wrapped around my waist. I looked at him and smile. "Bye justice" he yelled "bye Liam" she yelled. I grabbed Jason's hand and Liam's  walked over to the round a bout.

"So Liam what's Justice to you ?" I asked "best friend" he said "are you sure" "stop asking me questions papas I said yes already" I was taken back by the sass.

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