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I smiled at the stack of colorful pancakes I made. Every single color of the rainbow made into a pancake. I looked down at liam as he smiled up at me. "Had fun baby ?" I asked he nodded "yes papa" I bent down and picked him up placing him on the bar stool. "Papa, are the babies in you yet ?" I rolled my eyes secretly at his question.

"I don't know baby" I said he pouted "go peepee on the stick" I looked at him "how do you know about that ?" I asked "Justice said Apple was doing it" I nodded. Reminder call Aiyanna. "Liam. Why do you want to have babies so badly ?" I asked. "So when daddy not here we have lot more company" a smile spread small across my face.

I looked at liam and he looked back at me. "Baby your all the entertainment I need" he shook his head. "No now have babies" he demanded. "I can't the baby has to grow and gowr and then once it's finally big enough to come out it dose, and then it continues to grow on and on" "is that gonna happen to me papa ?" I nodded "of course baby, you're growing right now, and then you're going to fall in love, have your heartbroken, find that special person marry them, and then you'll guys have babies and will live happily ever after" I said quietly while looking at liam.

He looks like Jason to me. He might have my attitude but he looks a lot like Jason. With the dim yet bright eyes, the full head of hair, his cute little nose and the little faded dimples in his cheeks. He's a beautiful baby, he's my baby.

"Boggers, Baby" I heard I got up and looked towards the door. Jason came in hauling big bags I eyed him up and down. He set down the bags and kissed my cheek. "Hey babe" he said before walking over to Jason. "Uh, hi" I responded watching him pick up Liam and soar him through the air. Yes it was a cute sight but some things up.

"What was my little chef doing today ? "He asked "we make rainbow pancake, want one daddy" he nodded liam picked up a green one and held it up to Jason mouth he took a big bite and nodded. "Aw this so yummy baby" liam smiled "thank you daddy" he said. I eyed Jason up and down. "I have some news" he said.

"What is it daddy ?" Liam asked "my family is coming into town" I furred my eyebrows "why ?" I asked "they just want to see Liam" I nodded "there not staying here are they" Jason smiled small at me "um I kind of already told them that they can".

I shook my head at him "bum" I mumbled, "papa I wanna see Uncle and Cousin" I nodded at him. "We can go today if you want" he smiled and nodded. I told him to go upstairs and change his clothes.

"Jason are you okay ?" I asked he niddee and gave me a goofy smile "of course I am babyx why wouldn't I be" I sighed "nothing I'm just a little worried about you that's all" he smiled at me. "I'm great baby okay" I nodded and tip toed to kiss his cheek.

"Well then I'll be on my way to Derek's with Liam" he pouted and wrapped his arms around my torso. "But I'll miss you" I rolled my eyes at him. "Well be back soon alright just stay here and do whatever it is you were going to do with those bags" "there actually for you you and Liam" my eyes widen as I counted the bags.

Ten bags for the both of us. "I- Jason what did you do" I said he laughed "nothing can't I just spoil my babies" I shook my head at him. "Alright then when we comeback will sort this out then" he nodded "have a good time at Derek's baby" I nodded before heading up the stairs to our room.

Jason McCann POV

I sighed and took a seat on the bar stool. I can't have him finding out about my secret. I'll tell him when the time is perfect. Yeah perfect.

Hello my loves. Um somehow this thing didn't save properly but um yeah. I hope you enjoy. That baby up there is Chris. Brown's baby girl she is so beautiful so don't be surprised if I make her there daughter later on in the future.

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