twenty two

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Jason's eyes piereced back at him as he looked at himself in the mirror. Today is Liam's birthday and he's going to make sure he's there. He washed his face and looked at his pill bottle. He took three tablets instead of two. He's not trying to spazz out on his son especially on his birthday. Meanwhile Justin was downstairs setting up little Liam's birthday party as he went out with Derek and his cousin.

"Jason" Justin yelled. Jason came downstairs as quickly as he could walking into the backyard considering that's where Liam's party is taking place. "Yes babe" he said can you set up the microphone for" Jason nodded and climbed on top of the stage. Justin was planning on singing for Liam's birthday since that's what he asked for but he still didn't know about the song.

He shrugged it off and went to Liam's birthday set up. He already brought out the cake, the chips, juice, snakes, party bags. Is he missing something. Ah yes the entertainment, well liam already has a playground for himself so all he needs is the clown and face paint to get her and quick. Liam's is supposed to be coming home any minute now. "Justin" he heard as his name boomed through the speakers. He looked back to see Jason had everything set up. He smiled and blew him a kiss before picking up his phone and calling the company.

"Hello" he said "hello welcome! To Lisa and family company, were we fufill your birthday needs, if your checking on arrival time press three" following the instructions he pressed three. "Please state your name, for me love" "Justin bieber" he said "your party team will be arriving in about five more minutes" "okay thank you" he said hanging up. He put his phone down as he felt hands wrap around his waist. "You did a great job" Jason whispered making Justin smile "well thank you" the doorbell rang getting Justin's attention.

He slipped out of Jason's grip and went inside heading towards the door. He opened the door and smiled as he saw Derek's face. "Ew" Justin said making Derek roll his eyes. "Ew to you too" he said "ju" Justin heard he looked back to see "janella" he said as the little baby waddled her way over to him, he picked her up as she smiled her smile with her two front teeth were growing in. "Hey Justin" he looked up at Micah and smiled as a child hid behind him.

"Hi" Justin said the child looked at him and waved "Justin this is my nephew Chris, Chris this Justin" "hi" he said quietly. He smiled and said hi before leading them inside "wow..your rich mister Justin" Justin chuckled and shook his head "no were just, well kind of rich but not like rich rich, get what I mean" Chris looked up at Micah then back and Jutin shaking his head. Justin just smiled back and opened up the back door letting them outside.

As time passed more and more people came over and the entertainment finally arrived. Liam was on his way home with Justice in the back seat of Aiyanna car. He was excited for today he couldn't wait to hear his papa sing at his birthday party and have cake. He looked over at Justice as she sat quietly in her car seat. Justice is about a year older than Liam and she started school late cause of some moving problems.

Liam's scotted closer to Justice but made sure that his seat belt doesn't chike his neck. It gives him boo-boos. Justice looked at Liam and smiled as he held her hand. Aiyanna told them.holding hands are okay but kissing is bad and only good if you are old enough. Liam didn't really get what that meant but he knew it means he's not old enough to do the kissing.

Aiyanna smiled as she glanced at the kids from her rear view mirror. She pulled up into the drive way and got out shutting the door behind her. "Momma" Justice said as aiyanna opened the door. "Yes baby" Aiyanna said as Justice got out with Liam following behind her. "Can I sat here tonight" Johanna nodded and reminded justice to ask Jason or Justin as well. Aiyanna kissed Justice's for head as they walked inside saying bye to the little kids she got back into her car and drove off making her way to work.

Liam and Justice walked to Liam's bedroom to changed their clothes. Liam got dressed easily considering him and Justin went over his outfit today. Justin put on a simple a dress and sandals before grabbing Liam's hands and dragging him downstairs and outside. Where Liam's smile spread wide at the sight off his backyard. He ran over to Justin who was talking to the other guest. "Papa" she said hugging Justin's leg. Justin looked down and smiled picking him up. "There's my big boy" Justin said kissing Liam's face all over.

Liam giggled as Justin walked on the stage "hello !" Justin said getting everyones attention "the birthday boy is here so you guys start eating and stuff" he walked off stage with Liam still in his hand. He put him down lwtting liam wander around. As he sat down at the table with Derek. "How the baby ?" Derek asked "good, he's really excited" Derek giggled before shaking his head. "Not that baby, that baby" he said pointing to Justin's belly. "Oh well I'm not sure they must be coming along greatly" "you didn't go to the doctor yet" Justin shook his head picking at his clothes.


Then night continued and it was almost time for Justin to go sing. But before that they were play "Everything Has Changed" by Taylor Swift and Ed Sheeran. Liam smiled and got up walking over to Justice, she was sitting down quietly eating her cupcake  Liam grabbed Justice's hand in his and pulled her off her chair. He walked out onto the dance floor with her and placed his hands on her waist and she placed hers around his neck. Liam new this stance from watching his papa and daddy dance around the house moving slowly as paps head was on daddy's shoulder.

Liam smiled at Justice and she smiled back and the slowly moved around in a circle. Everyone was cheering them on so Justin got up to see what the big fuss was about and gasped when he saw his little baby dancing with Justice. He smiled and got out his phone videotaping the whole thing. He giggled as he felt arms wrap around his waist and on his belly.

He looked back at Jason who was smiling "Woo that's my son !"Jason yelled. Justin smiled as the song ended and Justice leaned in and gave Liam a kiss. I could see she was very happy. Liam walked away from her and came over to me hugging my leg. "Papa she kissed me" he said his cheeks were flustered red. I smiled at him "aw my baby really is growing up fast".

Hey, what's up, hello I'm sorry it took me so long to update I've just been really busy with this nonsense that's not worth my time. But yeah I hope you enjoy this chapter and if you have a Snapchat comment it cause I just got one a few minutes ago I'm very confused of how you use it but yeah later babies. I have a new book coming out it called Assignment and its interracial so when it comes out can you guys please go check it out for me. Bye loves.

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