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I smiled and looked at the backyard. Perfect just how we want it, I texted Aiyanna and told her to bring Justin back around 1 pm. She responded with an ok. I looked at Liam and Justice and they looked back at me.

"This is for your papa" justice asked Liam nodded with his eyes still on me. "Well then little children let's get inside after all we still have to get dressed" they nodded and ran in front of me into the house.

I chuckled and looked at my watch 12:40 twenty minutes, I can do this I responded. I went upstairs and into Liam's room"You guys know what your wearing" they nodded"alright then" I said walking over to my room. I got out something very simple after all it is just a party.

I put on my hat and walked over to Liam's room I opened up the door and looked at them the were on Liam's bed dressed. Justice had on a daisy printed romper, Liam had on shorts and a tank top.  They looked very relaxed which was what I was going for.

Justice's hair wasn't done. "Want me to do something with your hair ?" I asked. She nodded and gave me a rubber band. I looked at her outfit and then at her hair. Maybe a bun ? Yeah let's see if I can do that.

She walked over to her bag and dragged it over to me. I looked at it so many hair care products. I took up the moose thing and grabbed a comb I pumped out a large amount and put it all over her hair. I ran a comb through her hair and put it up tyin the rubber band around it. Alright now putting it into a bun.

"Your other daddy is better a this" she said I looked at her and saw Liam nodding along. I don't if I'm more upset or that she said that out loud without any shame.

I tried my to put a bun in her head. I looked at my work and nodded approvingly. I did my best and that's all that counts. She looked up at me and smiled like I didn't hear her previous comment.

Alright then kids let's go down stairs.

Justin POV

I looked at Aiyanna and she smiled at me. "Why are we here" I asked. She just smiled ate and continued eating. I frowned. She dragged me shopping with her and we've been here for like three hours.

"Can I go home now" she looked at her phone" In fiteen minutes"  I rolled my eyes at her. And looked at my burger, I don't want it anymore. I pouted and looked at Aiyanna.

Her phone rang and she looked at it. "Come on were leaving" she said grabbing her bags. "Why the sudden change ?" I asked "just come on." She started walking towards the exit. I picked up my burger and followed her.


I unlocked the door and looked around. I heard music coming from the backyard, I walked over and opened the door. "SURPRISE" I heard I smiled AMD walked into the back yard it's decorated to look somewhat like Hawaii.

Liam came up to me and wrapped his arms around my legs. "Hi papa" he said. I smiled and picked him up kissing his cheeks.

"Aw baby did you do this all for me" he nodded. I smiled and put him down then in an instant my eyes were covered. "Guess who" I heard "Derek ?" I was quite unsure about the whole thing.

"How ?" I heard and then the hands were removed from eyes. I looked at him and smiled hugging him "I missed you" I said looking up at him.

He smiled and grabbed my hand leading me over to a table. There was Micah and a little baby with him. I looked at Derek and he smiled, it was a baby girl. "What's her name ?" I asked holding my arms out as Micah gave her to me.

"Janella" I smiled at her, She so cute "aw look at my beautiful niece" I cooed kissing her nose "she is beautiful isn't she" I heard I turned around and looked up Jason.

I gave her to Derek and excused myself. I grabbed Jason's hand and walked into the house. "Hi" he said smiling at me."why are you doing this, baby ?" I asked "Cause it's your birthday party" he said wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Oh yeah my birthday did past" he nodded leaning forward toward me. "And I have a surprise for you" I smiled "really can I see it" he smirked "later baby let's enjoy your party together" I nodded as he held onto my waist and lead me out of the house.


Hello my loves I hope you like this update really important.

I really need someone to improvise my work and make corrections. So yeah I'm looking for one maybe you guys can help me with that. If you are or know anyone that is an editor please recommend them to me.

Please and I need some new books to read so please reccomend some of those. Well bye bye my loves.

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