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I rubbed the back of my neck and looked at Jason. I yawned and looked at our surrounding living room. I shook my head and wrapped the blanket around my body. I walked over to the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water.

I heard the doorbell. I walled over and opened it up. "Papa" I heard and felt small arms wrap around my leg. I smiled "hey baby" I said quietly. "Daddy ?" He asked looking up at me "he sleeping baby so sh" he nodded and walked away.

Walking into the kitchen. I looked at Jason and kicked his foot. "Stop" he mumbles. I rolled my eyes at him and walked upstairs. I walked into my bed room and looked at liam who was in his onesies playing with the remote.

I slipped on some boxers and joggers. I slid into bed and looked at liam. He looked back at me and smiled, smiling back I watch as he turned the channel.

"So how was your day with Justice and Aiyamna" he giggled "me and justice played house with her teddy bears and I was dad and she was mom" I nodded "she said the since mammy and daddy's live together they kiss each other" I looked at him. "Did you two kiss ?" I asked.

The thought of my baby having his first kiss and so young too. Awe I should have been there. "Yes !" He said excitedly I smiled "awe baby" "but it was only the cheek". Oh well its still okay I would rather him have it younger though cause he wouldn't actually know what it is.

I looked at the TV it was on Nick Jr. They were showing the bubble guppies. I layed down and watched as he sang around with the little fake mermaids on TV.


An hour its been am hour of the singing, repeat this repeat that, I can't take it anymore. It feels like its been five hours of the singing with Dora and he Spanish little ass "swiper no swiping' I wish he would swipe up my ass away from this mess.

"Liam baby can you turn this off" I asked "papa head is starting to hurt" he shook his head. I have no patience at this time. "Liam take it off now" I yelled, he pouted and turned off the TV, He climbed off the bed and walked out the door.

I sighed and got up. I know what I did was possibly wrong but Liam is so hard headed and he doesn't like to listen. I got up and went over to his bed room. I guess it really wouldn't affect him considering he or his feelings.

I knocked on the door. "Leave me" he said. I could tell his was crying with the little sniffles at the end. I walked into his room and rubbed his back "baby" I said turning him over he covered his eyes.

Pulling him onto my lap "Baby" I said kissing his cheek. He removed on of his hands showing his left eye "do you hate me Papa ?" He asked "aw baby no of course not" I said rocking him back and forth in my arms.

"Then why you yell at me" "cause you're hard headed" I knocked on his head for emphasis "sorry Papa" "it okay baby" he nodded "love you ?" I questioned. "Love you too papa" I smiled at him.

"Awe my baby's" I heard I looked back it was Jason and he had a bag of fried chicken I'm his hand. "Come in" I said he walked in and kissed my cheek and Liam's nose. "Daddy have food" I nodded "give it here" he said "yeah what liam said" I responded.

Jason walked over to the  little table in Liam's bed room. "Your table awaits" he said I laughed and picked up Liam carrying him over to the table.

I took a seat on the floor next to Liam's chair. Jason pulled out a bucket of chicken, fries, mashed potatoes and soda. "Awe he got all fancy for us" I said "thank you jase" I said kissing his cheek. "Well then my loves let's eat" I smiled and started digging in.


Hello my lives I hope you liked this update and I'll update next week. Or later this week
I have a very important question.

Q1- if I made a triquel to this book would you read it note- it would not be a boyxboy I would be about liam and his life.

Pretty please answer the question, I hope you have great day were every you are. good night/morning my loves bye.

(Also MIND my mistakes I made this tonight)

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