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I looked at Jason as he fed me mac and cheese from a pot. He's been so sweet to me these past weeks and it strange. I'm not saying its bad but its strange this is the most affectionate he's been to me in our 4 year marriage.
We've also been having sex a lot lately too. Again not saying it's bad but again its strange. While chewing slowly on my food. I looked at Jason as he smiled at me. I'm going to ask him its now or never.

"Jase" I said slowly "yes" he looked up at me and smiled. "Why are you begin so sweet ?" He just smiled at me and shook his head. "Come on tell me" I pouted at him hoping for a better response. He shook his head. I rolled my eyes at him before getting up and walking away. "Babe" he yelled. I went up the stairs.

Walking into our bedroom. I layer down on the bed and crawled underneath the bed. Why can't he just tell me what's going on it's not like he did something bad right ? The phone started to ring , I picked it up and answered "hello" I said "Justin" I raided my brows in confusion, "um yeah" "uh hi this is Austin, Austin Mahone" I hanged up quickly and sat there in a state of shock.

Did he really just call my house ? I thought he was in jail ? What's he gonna do with me ? I sighed and hid back underneath my blanket. He's back now. Holding my blanket closer to me I sighed once more about the call I just received. Oh no now he know my house address.

Why am I worrying so much I just need to calm down right ? Yeah that's what I need. I took slow deep breaths. I was pounce on and held down. I screamed I'm going to die under a blanket. The blanket was thrown of me and I met a pair of blue eyes. Jason's dumbass. I pouted as he looked at me. "What happened ?" I shook my head. "But you screamed you never scream when I do this to you" he face seemed to soften as he looked at me.

"Nothing I just got scared that all" he looked directly in my eye like he was searching for something. "Oh well then I'm sorry baby" he said pressing his lips to my forehead. I smiled small as he rolled off of me and laied next to me.

"Jase" I said while reaching for his hand "yeah baby" he responded grabbing my hand, I intwind our fingers. Should I ask him I mean it's just a question so why not"why do we have so much sex"  I blurted out. He let out a small chuckle at my question "well why do you think we have so much sex" I shrugged "cause your addicted to me" I said cheekily, he looked at me with a smile.

"Well yes and I want another baby, baby" I looked at him in shock. "You really do" I said sitting up he nodded at me and I smiled "oh Jase you really do what another baby" he nodded I pecked his lips before restingy head on his chest. It was silent for while.

Just imagine me having another baby it would be amazing. "I want a girl" I said "me too" I looked up at him and smiled. "I should get liam" "want me to come" I shook my head "go make dinner I'll get liam" he nodded and puckered up his lips. Kissing his cheek instead I got up and slipped on some shoes before grabbing my keys and leaving.


I grabbed Liam's hand as we walked home quietly. "Li" I said "yes papa" "um how would you feel if daddy and papa had another baby" "do you have a baby in you pap" I shook my head "no baby, I'm just asking for the future" "I don't mind one" he said, I smiled at him "what would you name them ?" "Hmm if a girl I'd name her Leigh Anne and if it was a boy I'd name him Liam" I laughed at his response "Liam your name is Liam" he nodded  "I like my name" I laughed at him before walking up the steps of our house and opening the door.

"Jason" I said he came towards us with little tray things in his hand. "Justin, Liam come along our meal awaits." I rolled my eyes at him but followed him to the dinning area. There was luchables placed for each of us. I took a seat and looked at mine nachos sweet, Liam had the pizza and Jason had the cracker one so lame.

I snorted at the dinner heade us but I led and thanked his for the lovely dinner. Man this family is strange but its makes us, us.

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