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I took a sip of frozen mocha and looked down at my doughnut and sighed while I waited for Jason. We were supposed to have a lunch date but that didn't seem to happen considering he's an half hour late. I rolled my eyes, maybe if I wait just a little more he'll come.

I sighed and looked down at my phone. I heard the chair move. I looked to be met with big brown eyes, and dimples. Oi he's not Jason. "Oh um hello" I said "hey" I nodded and looked at him. "I saw you sitting here all alone so I decided to say hi" "I'm Justin" "I know and I'm Jaxon".

"You're married to that big banker guy McCann right ?" I nodded "we're actually supposed to be having a date right now" his mouth formed an 'O' shape. "How late is he ?" He asked "33" he shook his head. "Called him ?" I nodded "won't pick up" "well then why not ditch" I looked at him "what" "it seems that he already ditched you so why don't you just go."

I chuckled and shook my head. "You're real committed aren't you?" I nodded "of course I didn't have a scandal for no reason" he smiled small at me. "Alright then I guess I should go" I looked up at him. "What do you mean " "I have to get back to work" "I finally looked down at his clothes to see he was actually dressed in a uniform.

"Oh well um thanks for the company" he nodded "anytime" he said before walking back into the restaurant. I looked down at my watch. Damn it Jason where are you. "Justin" I looked to the left and saw Jason walking towards me, I smiled small as he came closer to me taking a seat. "Hey" I said "here" he said he handed me a box.

I looked at it then looked at him. It was necklace with three penguins on it holding hands. He smiled st me. "Jase why'd you get me this ?" I asked. "Don't you remember when you were going to labor where we were". I thought back to the day I had Liam and smiled. I remember it like it was yesterday.


I followed slowly behind Jason as our hands were laced together. I was currently eating a churro. That was delicious may I add. We were at the zoo cause I really wanted to go. We went to the seals, alligators, elephants,and especially pandas.

We were in our way to the penguin exhibit. I ate my churro as people gave me and Jason odd looks considering I'm a pregnant man. I smiled as we entered the exhibit. Not a lot of people there to bad there missing out on all these awsome penguins.

I smiled at the penguin in its tank and waved at him. It smiled at me I can tell. I looked up at Jason and he smiled down at me. I held onto my stomach as Liam kicked. "Ow baby" I said "stop kicking papa" he kicked back harder. Ow "are you having contranctions" I nodded slightly. "Are you going into labor " I shook my head "no he isn't supposed yo be born until next week"

"Are you sure" and with that my contractions got harder. "Oh god, Oh no this isn't supposed to happen" "baby are you going into" "No shit Sherlock get me to a fucking hosptial"


I smiled "Jason" he smiled back at me "this is very sweet but you really need to stop buying all these things, it kinda un-necessary" he nodded "I'm just trying to show you the affection you didn't get when we were younger" I smiled at him befor grabbing his hand and lacing in your fingers.

We just sat there looking at each other. "Why were you late ?" He snapped out of it like he was in some sort of trance "huh" "why were you late" "nothing serious baby, I was just finishing up some work" I nodded. Now there's the Jason I know.

I smiled small and grabbed him by his tie before pulling him over the table gently and coming close to his face. "Love you baby" I said against his lips. "Kiss me" I placed my lips on his but quickly moved away when I heard a cough. I looked up it was Jaxon "sorry for interrupting you but here's your check" I thanked him with a heated cheeks.

"Who's that ?" "Jaxon" he pouted "and who's Jaxon" "he kept me company while you were finishing up work" he nodded "oh" "why ?" I asked he shook his head "oh nothing" I nodded "alright then" I looked at him as his cheeks flused red. Aw was he jealous for that little thing.

I rolled my eyes at him big baby "let's go home" I said, he nodded before getting up and grabbing his brief case. I played for the check and singed while writing my number on the tip. He seemed like a nice boy so why not just let him talk to me. I'm jot going to start another scandal, that be fucking stupid of me. And I am no dumb dumb.

I smiled up at Jason. And grabbed his hand intwining our fingers. I hummed happily to myself. Things are staring to feel a little normal aging. Just a little more normal.

Okay so I went back and looked at Love Has No Number and I didn't really like the way I did it so I'm going to go back and re do the chapters that bug me don't worry I'm not going to hold back from updating this book but yeah. I wanted to tell you that

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