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Justin slowly entered the house closing the door behind him. He had a bag full of candy and sat down on the couch grabbing the TV remote. Thinking everyone was asleep he turned the channel to love and hip hop and watched old reruns. He smiled and watched there simple TV theme song, there all so pretty especially Yandy, Cyn, Jhonni, and Tara. He just loves them.

Little Liam stirred in his bed as he was waking up from his long slumber. His eyes slowly opened as his feet wiggled in his footie pajamas as he sat up in his bed his room was dimly light due to his nightlight. He crawled off his bed and grabbed his stuffed dinosaur Bubba. He walked to Justin's and Jason's room and slowly opened up the door he looked down stairs and saw the room lights on.

His curious mind followed the light and walked down the stairs one hand on the rail the other one wrapped around the ear of his bubba. He stood in the entrance of the TV room where he saw his papa laying on the couch in his dress thing. Liam smiled and walked over to Justin climbing up on the chair . Justin looked down to his little boy laying by his legs.

He smiled small and picked hi up resting him on his belly. "Why are you awake baby ?" He asked. After today's events Justin looked over what he did and agreed that it was very irrational of him plus he hasn't seen his little man all day. "I was gonna go see daddy but I saw the TV room on so I came down here and see you papa" Justin nodded and rubbed Liam's back slowly making the little boy fall asleep.

Justin smiled down at Liam before closing his eyes and falling into a deep slumber.


Jason stracthed his and sat up in bed slowly looking around the room. He frowned when he didn't feel Justin's body next to him. He got out of bed and stretched out his limbs, getting up he made his way downstairs where the TV was still on he walked in and smiled at the sight in front of him. His little babies were curled onto the couch as a diet program was showing. He smiled and kissed there heads before leaving. They should get there sleep. He went into the kitchen and looked at the stove. He's never cooked before but why not try.

Jason grabbed the eggs and bacon from the fridge and started the stove setting two pans on the stove. One for the bacon and the other for the eggs. He grabbed a bowl and cracked four eggs into the bowl before grabbing a whisk and he whisked away until he felt good about his eggs. He grabbed the oil and poured it into the pan. Justin wrapped his arms around Jason's waist. Jason jumped up and looked behind him seeing justins small extieor. He smiled before turning around.

Justin's arms dropped as he looked up at Jason, Jason kissed his forehead and looked down meeting Justin's gaze. Justin pouted "I'm sorry baby" Justin said resting his head on Jason's chest. "It alright baby" "No its not I acted so stupid and then I just-" Jason shushed him and wrapped his as around his arms around his small body.

"How was my baby's day" Justin shrugged "I ate a lot of food" Jason smirked before rubbing Justin's belly. I bet my babies in there are hungry" "I hungry to daddy" they heard. Looking back they saw little Liam standing there rubbing his eyes with his free hand. Jason and Justin smiled as Liam walked over to them and raised up his hands.

Justin picked him up and smiled kissing his chubby little cheeks "good morning papa, daddy" "hey babe" Justin said "feed us daddy" liam commanded "yeah feed us Jason" Justin said while smirking. Jason rolled his eyes chuckling slightly. "Take a seat my prince and princess your food will come " Jason said. Liam shook his head "how many times do we have to go over this daddy,papa is not a girl" Justin giggles as Jason listened to Liam explained how Justin was not a girl.


I hope you liked this. Mind my mistakes. This wasn't the best chapter I made but yeah tell me what you think. Bye babes

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