twenty four

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Justin and Aiyanna looked at Justice and Liam as they played in the park "how the babies doin ?" Aiyanna asked. "great, i guess" Justin responded, Aiyanna looked at Justin as he stared into blank space. "Are you okay ?" Justin nodded "Just thinking, that's all" Aiyanna nodded as Liam came running over to them. Liam climbed on the bench next to Justin and went through his book bag. "What are you looking for baby ?" "Justice toy" he said as he pulled bubbles from his bag. Justin smiled as Liam ran away again with the bubbles in his hand.

A few minutes later Justice and Liam came back, Liam's pants were wet and Justice's skirt was wet as well. "What happened here ?" Justin asked "our bubbles spilled" Justin nodded "Aw Liam you got your pants all wet. "I sorry papa" its alright baby" "can we get food ?" Justice asked "yeah, can we get ice cream" I nodded and got up grabbing Liam's book bag.

Liam and Justice walked ahead of Justin and Aiyanna. Having there own private conversation about who knows what. Justin's phone he answered it "hello" she heard laughing in the background "um..Mrs.McCann" I recognized that voice it's Jason's assistant "Oh hello Callin" "Hi, Is Jason alright ?". What does she mean, Is he the one laughing like that in the background ?

"What do you mean ?" Justin asked "Mr.McCann's been really hyper for two hours, He's been in and out of his office just walking around and smiling" "Hmm..that does sound strange, Do you think he'll be alright ? I dont have to come and get him do i ?" "No, I just thought you would know what going on with him" "Oh, well I'll look into it" "Alright Bye Mrs.McCann" "Bye Cailin" Justin hung up as they walked into the shop. "Everything Alright ?" Aiyanna Asked, Justin shrugged "hopefully" he said as they walked to cashier.

Liam And Justice shared a cookie and cream ice cream. While Aiyanna had Cookie dough and Justin got two chocolate dipped cones for himself. They walked back to where they parked their cars and said their farewells to each other, but not before Justin finished his other ice cream cone. Justin strapped Liam into his car seat and kissed his cheeks as liam smiled at him. Justin made his way to the driver's seat and got in quickly buckling up and leaving.


Liam skipped happily inside the house as Justin followed behind him. He closed the door locking it. After taking off his shoes and taking a seat on the couch he grabbed the tv remote. "Daddy" Justin heard "yeah" he yelled turning on the TV. He heard footsteps and little patters as Liam appeared in front of him. "Papa" he said out of breath. Justin looked at him and smiled. "Papa, The babies are in you, yes ?" Justin nodded as Liam made his way over to him. Liam nodded and climbed onto the couch. "Good, cause I was going to ask you why you belly is getting large".

Justin gasped "my belly isn't that big" Liam shook his head "yes it is Papa" Liam crawled over to Justin and raised up his shirt. Laying his head on Justin's belly "See, it's like a small hill on your belly, I can play with my cars on it." Justin giggled and ran his fingers through Liam's hair. "Oh baby you're really funny" He said Liam mumbled a thank you before fixing his eyes on the TV where justin was watching Full House. Liam yawned not really sure of why he was getting tired so early.

"Daddy" Liam said with his eyes still fixated on the TV. "Yeah buddy" "Will we ever have a family that big" Justin chuckled "no baby I don't think so" "well..why not ?" Liam asked. "Cause that's a little too much babies in Papa's belly" Liam was silent for a moment as he thought about another way to have a big family like the one in full house. "Put babies in daddy then" he suggested "I can't do that baby, and If I could I would have a long time ago" Liam yawned as he felt his eyes close.

"Why can't daddy have babies in him ?, Is he sick or something" Liam asked, Justin laughed shaking his head. "Not everyone on earth is built the same baby boy" Liam nodded "I still think Daddy should carry babies" Justin smiled "Go to sleep baby boy" "Night, Night" Liam said "night" Justin said as Liam eyes closed.

Hello my loves, How are you i am sorry about my lack of updating. I graduated yesterday, yay happy me lml but yeah i dont really like this chapter i might delete it tell me what you think about loves. Oh yeah as you can see i will be deleting My Christian Boy to make it better cause it's really bad so yeah ill be doing that as well as making other books. Yeah bye

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