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I smiled at the two kids in the back seat singing along to the song on the radio. Justice and liam are having a sleep over. While Jason and I got out somewhere. He didn't tell me anything just like always.

I lowered the volume "so liam, justice how was school ?" I asked "justice got put on time out and a phone call home" "why" I asked "cause this guy called liam ugly so I pushed him and that wasn't good behavior" I laughed "is that all" "I bit him" I gasped.

"Justice why'd you bite him" I said containing my laughter "he pull my head it still hurt" I could sense the sadness in her voice "aw I'm sorry baby why don't you take it out of those to pom poms.

She shook her head "momma said no" I rolled my eyes "I'm sure she'll understand, just take it out" she sighed and took out the rubber bands in her hair. "I like it" I heard Liam say " thanks li" she said. I pulled into the drive way and got put the car, I walked over Liam's door and opened it up.

"Thank you papa" he got out with justice trailing behind him. I followed behind them and opened up the door as they ran upstairs. I took my shoes and put down my bags. I took a seat in the kitchen.

I heard footsteps come from upstairs. I looked up it was Jason and he was in his boxers. I smiled at him as he came into the kitchen. "I thought you were at work" I said "I was but I came home early" I nodded and watched him as he came around me.

"How's my baby ?" He asked whispering in my air. I giggled "I'm okay, how are you ?" " that you're here" I rolled my eyes at his corniness.

His arms wrapped around my waist as he whispered stupid little things in my arm. "Babe turn around" I did as he said and turned around. He crashed his lips onto mine. I kissed him back slowly.

"Ahh liam you dads are kissing" I heard I laughed quietly and broke away. I looked at Justice who stood there with her eyes covered.  I laughed quietly as liam came downstairs and charged over to us.

"Don't kiss my papa" he said I started laughing "only I can kiss him" looking up at me and puckering his lips, I bent down and pecked his lips.

He smiled "and papa you can't kiss daddy" I gasped. "And why not ?"I asked "cause I have to fair papa duh" I looked at him and he looked back at me.

"I- why- how did you get so much" I stuttered over my sentence. "I got it from you papa" he said "Justice" he said running over to her. He grabbed her hand and pulled her over to us. "We hungry" I looked at Jason and he smiled at me.

"Make them food" "okay but.." I groaned "why dose there always have to be a but" I said "can you two hurry up we hungry and not getting any younger standing here" I looked at the little sass master that Jason and I made together.

"Alright but you owe me kisses" I nodded "and you two too" he said pointing to sassy McSassyPants and Justice. They looked at each other and nodded. "Alright then let's get to work he said.


I rubbed my head and waved bye to liam as he got in the car with justice."thank you so much Aiyanna, Jason and I really need this" she nodded "looked like you already got some" I looked down at myself. "I was in a robe,my hair was messed up but in all fairness I took a really good nap before.

"Oh hush we didn't do anything, I just woke up from a nap" she gave me a skeptical look "mmm..okay" she said. "Oh hush and go take care of my child" "alright jay bye" I waved her an farewell before closing the door.

I rubbed my eyes and looked at the time. 8:35 I should get ready. I walked around the house and got up the stairs, I walked into my room and crawled into bed.

"Jase" I said laying my head on his belly. "Babe" he started playing with my hair, "are we going to go ?" I asked. "If you want to" he said I nodded. "Then get dressed my love" I slowly sat up and walked over to my closet.

I put on a black tank top with black jeans and black sneakers. "So what I like the color black. I put on my jacket and looked at myself in the mirror.

Yep so stylish. I walked out and looked at Jason. He sat there in he sat there with a black undershirt, flannel red shirt over it, he had his socks on and some type of leather pants. I looked at him and he smiled at me.

"Hi" I said "hello" he responded. "Come on let's go" I said, he slipped on his shoes and walked over to me. I grabbed his hand and intwined our fingers. "Ready" I nodded as he lead me downstairs and our the house.


Hello my loves I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Comment what you think. Iight go into Liam's POV but I'm not all that sure tell me what you think. I didn't go over this I just typed it out so bare with my mistakes. I love you bye. ♥♥♥♥

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