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Six months pregnant

I rubbed my belly as I sat in class three more months and my baby will be out of me. I can't believe all of this happened but it opened my eyes to a lot of things.

Like how your friends aren't actually your friends. Things like that I'm not going to go all that deep into it.

Looking at my life now I feel complete. Although I didn't want to go back to school I don't want my son to think of his Papa as a loser. So I decided to finish school and Jason been helping me through the whole process.

I don't talk to people much but I am graduating early so I'm proud of that. I moved out of Derek's house and moved into Jason's he's going to buy a new one for all of us.

Living with Jason has been good he owns his own company now but he had go back to college for that. Now he comes home a little later and stuff. He calls me Mrs.McCann even though we didn't get married yet. He said he wants to wait till our baby is born to have it.

I started planning the wedding again with Jason's input its going to be cream and pink (there's nothing wrong with a man liking the color pink). It's going to take place inside with flowers everything its going to be beautiful.

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