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I sat down in Jason's office as he interviewed people to be his assistant. Some of them were giving me looks when I would rest my head on Jason's shoulder, or whisper things to him, anything I did they didn't like.

And some of them came in there so sultty like they weren't trying to impress. Jason said he wanted my input on this and so far I don't like any of them.

I rubbed my head on jasons shoulder and sat on his lap. "is that all of them ?" I asked, with the shake of his head the door flew open and a young lady came in.

I looked at her, very beautiful a little to beautiful.she had pretty short blonde hair,greenish blue eyes ? I think. She and on a black shirt with a white blouse and a pair of pumps.

"Hi I'm Cailin, Cailin Russo" she extended her hand out and I shook it. " nice to meet you Justin" I gasped...well on the inside. How'd she know my name ? "I saw your work in a magazine it was a very phenomenal job".

I smiled "thank you" I looked at Jason "do you want me too move ?" I asked. "Yes I would like to do the interview" I nodded and got off his lap and sat in the chair next to him.

"Hello Miss.Russo" he said "hello Mr.McCann" Jason nodded and asked her to take a seat. I excused my self and got up leaving the room. I pulled out my phone and typed in Derek's number.

"Hello" I giggled "hello Derek" I responded "are you coming for liam yet ?" I gasped " trying to get rid of your nephew so easily, sad Derek it really is".

I heard him scoff "oh shut up that has nothing to do with it, he keeps asking about this girl named Justice and he's sleeping so I thought you might want him".

I nodded "interesting, but I'm not coming to get him yet I just wanted to see how my baby was doing" "well he's doing great" I nodded " thank you Derek" I said "mhm bye jay" "bye bye" I said.

I rubbed my eyes and went back in. I sat down and listens to the interview. I really had no more questions to ask her,so I just let Jason do whatever he want. He said goodbye to her and shook her hand. I waved at her ad she walked over to it and she waved back.

I looked at Jason and he looked back. "What do you think ?" He asked "she seems okay" I said,he rolled his eyes at me and went back to some paper on his desk.

I pouted and crawled into his lap "Jason" I whispered pushing my face into his neck. "Baby" he mumbled. I smiled and placed little kisses on his neck.

"Stop" he said wrapping his arms around me. "I have to go pick up liam" I answered with a yawn. "Do you want me too" I shook my head " no you have to much work to do" he shrugged "I can always finish it at home."

I nodded "well alright" I looked at him "let's get going" he he hooked Hus arms underneath my legs and stood up. I giggled and looked up at him. "I can walk Jase" I said "hush I want to carry my prince" I blushed and his my face in his neck.

This is the nicest and sweetest he's been to me this week, I think there's something up but I don't really care to find out what it is. I giggled as he carried me out his office building and into the elevator.

He put me down I looked up at him and he looked down at me with a slight smirk on his face. "What ?" I asked wrapping my arms around his neck "nothing" he said leaning forward and placing a kiss on my lips.

I smiled and broke away from the small peck. And waited for the elevator to stop so we could get off. I felt his arms wrap around my wait and pull me backwards into him.

I laughed "Jase stop it" he ignored me and started kissing my neck. "Well get caught stop it" I mumbled lowly as pleasure was slowly taking over me "who cares I own this place" he said.


Uh yeah I'm sorry about this chapter I don't like but I hope you do um Liam will be in the other one so yeah bye. I'm pretty sad after today so it might take me some more time to update dont be mad at me okay but yeah I'm sorry for my lack of updating this book. I have another book coming out its called bows but um yeah I'm really sorry about this bye.

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