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Ember POV

'....please just tell me I'm still at home lying across the couch with the TV still playing a run down old tv show and that whole fiacso was a horrible, terrible, never to happen again dream'

'' Hey dudes I think she's waking up," A voice broke out of the silence sounding very close to my ear.

Another rough voice came blurting out next laced with annoyance, " Mikey! back away before she sees your ugly face"

" I resent that Raphie" A feminine voice spoke out; she sounded familiar with her high pitch getting higher at the end of the sentence.

'How many people are just staring at me right now?'

The only other sound that came next weren't voices but smacks, yelling, and then more foot steps.

My eyes finally let me What was going on around me, I sadly wasn't in my own room for one. Secondly, it was a dim lighted room instead, it took me a moment to let the last of the numbness to slither away, being able to sit myself up. The comfortable feeling of a bed under me sent comfort and warmth to my freezing bones as the blanket laid in my lap now. My mind was in total confusion of all the questions and comments I had jumbled up in me for who knows how long I was asleep.

" Hello" Another person's voice broke out jumping me out of my own conversation.

Getting out of my own thoughts, I twisted my head that ached in my neck area. To feel my eyes almost bulge out its sockets was an understatement. I had a good damn reason to feel like my system would shut down again.

There was a turtle- 'cues me two turtles in front of me. And oh no! Not just any two turtles, they're tall, two feet walking, weapon carrying, ninja mask wearing, English talking, looking at me turtles!

'' Please just tell me this is a dream ya know and I'll ya know ...wake up soon, really soon" I asked basically to myself, pulling the blanket closer to my body, for I don't know, protection I guess.

"Well your not dreaming. You are really in a roon with two mutated turtles miss" the blue one said so camly like it's normal to just be having humans see them like this. I remember him from that night he saved me from those other identical freaks.

"Right, so If I'm not dreamingI'm just gonna... RUN AWAY!"

Don't tell me why in the world would I be the dumb character from the movies that literally runs to their death; I'm panicking!

As said, I panicked my way out the bed sheets and rolled in between the two things before they can get me and ran out to who knows where.

'Yeah, I'm definitely placing dumb points for this situation'

All I know is that I need to get out of here, wherever here is.

I saw a flight of stairs at the end of the dimmer hallway; not really caring now where it went to, just praying that it was the way out. I slid; not ran, but slid down the stair railing to see two more creatures like them and-

"Woah! Woah! Woah! Em, slow down. It's okay they won't hurt you" I remember the orange colored orbs that nobody in the word had besides my short friend.

They captured Angela too! How could they just be stealing people like this? She seems too calm though for my liking. They probably already mind controlled her to think that they're innocent species.

I grabbed her wrist in a hurry and ran, still out of breath from running out of that room now I can't talk. The running part didn't go very well, you'd think the small brown skinned girl wasn't strong to not move a muscle even when I tried to help her escape. My butt hit the ground hard  and I froze still not believing how strong this girl was to not move. Her brown hair was in my face and looked up to see us being eye to eye now, she held unto her usual goofy smile.

She began to speak slowly and more calmly then last time. " Ember it's okay. The turtles will not harm us at all, they're the good guys, trust me."

"I see she has awaken"

Angela's hair jumped out of the way to let me view a humongous rat in a robe coming out of some double doors on one of the walls.

"Oh so now instead of just talking turtles, there's a talking rat now.... ok",After this fiasco, I quite

I pushed myself to get up off the ground, when I felt Angela comment on something and jump on top of me, she is severely heavy; this girl weighs a ton. It was like moving from under a fat lady once she accidentally sits on your arm on the train. Either way, I had to get out of here I can already tell they did too much on Angela's brain to get her back to her stable- used to be already crazy self.

"Hey! What's going on?". I know that voice too, please tell me they didn't get her too.

I stopped my wiggling to see Casey and my cousin April themselves standing at a small, three-step stairway. She looked confused until she saw me staring at her, that's when her expression was painted with shock. Her footsteps came closer to where she was beside me in minutes.

" April?...."

I could sense that she knew what I was about to say " Yes sweet, lovely cousin that will understand everything that will be explained"

" You have so much to explain to me, so so much women"

" Angela must you sit on our frightened guest", the rat said which sounded like a elder from those Chinese movies that be giving people fortune cookies.

My friend soon got off of me with a laugh
" Frightened, who said I was frightened I'm just waking up to four walking, talking turtles, my best friends and my cousin some how are here and I need to go see a shrink now and Today"

My fingers found it's way in my most likely messed up bed head; twirling a lost strand of hair uncontrollably. Somehow the routine always cooled me down and it worked for this problem as well. My breathing was harsh from all the running, yet it eventually slowed down to its normal pace. My red headed family member helped me up off the ground escorting me to one part of the couch where she sat down beside me on my left and Ang sat on the other.

Now seeing the room better, the area was spacious. Everyone was either standing or sitting in I believe they would call the living room, the couch was dark green with some lumps here and there with stuffing seeping out of one of the arms of the chair. A medium sized tv on top of a crate with video games and movies sat in the left corners of the small unique pit that held the home of the living room. The stairs were behind it to the left corner, shaping in a spiral manner. On the other wall, a few steps away on the far left of me was large, steel doors that I would never wanna go through seeing it give off a creepy vibe. The exit and or entrance was behind me with a railing that you would see at trains stations and behind that was where the water was at to the sewers. On the right wall was another sliding door where the rat came through, then beside it was another room which I couldn't see through because ofthe bead curtain that hung as a door.

Ending the look around the place, I saw that everyone was looking back at me making me feel a lot smaller in size wishing that the lumpy couch would swallow me up.

"Alright Em, first you have to promise to not tell anyone about this". Did I even have a choice at this moment to not agree?

Alright, I promise

Ok! So Thank You for everyone that decided to take the time to read this book. Also I wanted to give a special thanks to the amazing turtle lovers that volunteered to be the characters for my books.

Snicker143 as Angela💚
tmnt51 as Ember💙

Thank you everyone

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