The Practice...

491 33 7

Ember POV

"So yall come down here everyday to hang out with the turtles?"

" Yep! Pretty much" Casey answered putting the manhole cover back down and walked beside April that were behind Angela and I.

I don't know how April can find the guy attractive, he has less teeth than a two year old, but that's how weird they both are.

" Now Ember are you sure we can trust you by keeping this a top secret a secret from anybody and everybody. This is like a life or death situation so we need your answer NOW!" Angela questioned giving me a side smirk.

" Yes, like I said earlier, there's not like anybody would belive me if I say there's four turtles and a giant rodent underneath us learning ninjitsu that's been here for 16 years fighting off all this mystery invasions that's been happening over the city" I replied sarcastically earning a laugh and nudge from the short oranged eyed teen.

" Ok ladies take notes on how a real master can open a locked secret lair"

I could tell that we were at the the turtles home and that Casey was not gonna get that door opened at all anytime soon. Their home was hidden as a regular old brick wall in the sewers to other people. April set him on a timer and so far we been standing here for four minutes watching Casey Jones at another worst moment of his teen life.

Angela let out a sigh we could all understand and went over to the wall pulling down one of the small pipes above our heads and a large piece of the wall moved aside to see Mikey playing on the game in the pit and Raph puching the stuffing out of the already warn out dummy.

" Bro what did the dummy ever do to you?" Casey started as if he didn't want us to criticize about his upteenth failed attempt, walking over to the red masked turtle trying to tackle him down but back fired and they both got into a petty fight.

"Mikster weres my hug. I've been waiting for almost forever?" She sung jumping over towards the back of the couch he sat at.

Her arms were out reached with a giant smile plastered on her face as she watched Mikey run over just in time to receive it.


'Wow, they really are a couple; like one of those romantic kid acting type which is still cute to see'

"Hey Ember". My head spun to the left hearing my name to see the one that rescued me a couple days ago. I was planted beside the bottom of the stairway just enjoying the crazy but homey atmosphere around here. I turned my whole body to the blue eyed turtle to give him my undivided attention.

"Hey Leo, what's up?" I asked feeling my hair between my index and thumb finger.

'Ok I can't help it!'

This is about my fifth time in the home they call a lair. It's still new to see and accept this type of new view in life. I was only here to be closer to family while getting my education so my mom can work easier in the future.

His voice was always something with a pure calmness in, "Oh, umm nothing, how was school?". Except maybe with a bit a nervousness hidden badly inside also.

"Nothing really interesting; I learned how to sleep with your eyes open" I joked nonchalantly resting my back on a support pipe.

His laugh was so adorable when he laughed at my jokes, but I wasn't kidding either. I did learn how to sleep with my eyes open now, crazy right?

I guess Casey and Raph left because there wasn't anymore grunts and things tumbling over because of them. I know Mikey and his girlfriend went upstairs and April went somewhere, probably to mess with a nerdy turtle in his room.

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