A dream or nightmare

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    Animalistic growling came from behind us to see the foggy look of glowing green eyes looking back at us with a blank expression to show why they were paying attention to us so closely.

" W-We got to get away from it", the turtle under me groaned loudly trying to get up

I pulled us up but pushed him away from the intense stare that continued its previous action sending unwanted shivers up and down my spine. It's probably the thing that he was fighting before we locked eyes a few moments ago. This is crazy, what kind of thing has glowing eyes in this forest? I been in these woods since I was young and never; not even even in nightmares, have I experienced the sight of seeing this.

The eyes were soon developing a outline of the body that it belonged to. The owner of the eyes was a very tall, slim body figure. Its arms almost reached down to touch the ground. Besides the sound of it growling, the closer it got the more I could hear of the harsh pressure of the footsteps he left on the ground.

Its body looked unfunctional with wide chunks taken from its body and yet still stood with their creepy aura. My head yelled at me of not already running to safety while my knees buckled against each other and my feet felt like it was cemented on the grass.

Why won't I stop being a coward and run. I have Leo to care for and I'm loosing my cool in front of him and a monster. Why am I still thinking about this when my stupid self should be running or at least fighting.

It took another moment to peel my eyes away from the monster that stitched itself back together momentarily. Its body was closing more of the distance we had between it. Defying it more was crucial to the eyes; it looked like a zombie wrapped in grass, vines, and greenery of plants. The arm that swept up off the ground in a simple motion; from the way it walked in slow motion maybe it won't be that hard to escape the slow monster.

My eyes always blinded me of the blurry of the motion of its giant green hand zooming at us.

That's when I knew it was time to run!

A squeal was heard through the woods, opening my eyes that closed; by accident, after nothing touched me like I thought. My breath finally exhaled after the fact of holding it for too long subconsciously, hearing my heart beat intensely in my ear. Only to swallow my spit that accumulated in my mouth to have a quick thirst in my dry throat.

The low snarl above me caught me off ground throwing my head up slightly after realizing I was in the said turtle's chest that didn't tear his blank white eyes away from the green beast. His other hand held his katana that was somehow between his three fingers in seconds. Looking on the floor, the thing's arm was sliced clean off showing the insides of the green thing. Which corrected my suspision earlier; its made of basically the whole forest tree leaves, shrubs, and more. The creature went at it again with another roar from its throat shooting at both of us the same time, hands pushed me and rolled out the way to the floor a couple feet away. Leo's fractured ankle wouldn't move on his command and had to watch him get caught in the punch getting smashed into the tree foots away from the area we were at


"LEO! ....LEO!" I ran up to the blue masked turtle as quickly as my soar legs could carry me.

The look on the turtles face was pure pain; he put too much pressure on his ankle and most likely made his recovery worse. His shell was slouched against the tree trunk in a tired manner; it looked like it might need some medical attention soon.


Why would he throw himself into more danger after the fact that he's already in the woods that he has no directions in.

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