.....Hey there you

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Ember POV

My please and wishes did nothing watching my still friend swimming unconscious in the tub. Scooting my chair closer, I used my hand to scoop up the lukewarm water to let it fall on his plastron that wasn't in the water once more.

A lazy sigh escaped between my lips; I never would have thought I would miss the blue eyed mutant so much.

'Or because you don't have that much friends to even miss nor will they ever miss you'

Leonardo was the one that saved me from those hooligans many months ago and for that I owe him my life, yet all I did was get new enemies and keep getting shot at.

Even though, the way his attention was always focused about the protection of his family and his city.

The bright smile that was worn on his lips whenever we would watch our favorite rundown cartoons, the encouraging leadership and being a companion sent a warmth through my heart.

I should've done better somehow. I shouldn't have got shot so that way I could've steered Irma and April away from the lair. I should've been stronger to protect my friends and family. I shouldn't have ran off in the sewers to see our father figure... die

I placed my head down with my arms being a cushion on the rim of the white porcelain tub. The wonderful journey and nightmares before this kept me up without a wink of sleep the past couple of days, and the drowsiness was taking over finally. My eyes blinked shut for a moment feeling longer to open than the last.

I should've been there to protect him.......

.... I'm so sorry Leo

"Em, what are you doing?"

Leo? No, it's not him, only a dream....

"Ember, please wake up"

His voice sounds so soothing..

"Ember, I need help"

I picked my head up slowly adjusting my eyes to the sudden change in light in the bathroom. The voice kept going in and out still trying to catch my vision aswell. My eyes finally landed on a green figure with blue eyes looking at me; he looked so close.

My heart felt like it stop for seconds registering what was in my very view. The cold feeling breaking in my chest disperse into nothing but warm rays of joy at the sight of his amazing blue eyes finally being shown in front of me.

"Where are we?" He asked hearing his scratchy voice from the dehydration in him.

"We're at April's and I farm house, right after you came flying in the apartment we decided to leave"

I purposely left out the part about Master Splinter, Leo doesn't need to know right now it'll be too much, Leo sat up in the tub groaning, but immediately sled back down aching in pain.

"I think my leg is broken" The turtle grinded his teeth concentrating on moving his right leg which didnt move on his command.

I pushed myself off the small wooden chair then walked over the side of the tub where his feet were. My hand extended out to the blue eyes turtle and watched as he looked at me funny before getting the clue.

With his hand in, I felt sparks but immediately flew that out of my mind and helped Leo up by making him bend his good leg to his chest. I pulled him up as he pulled on my arms and pushed with his leg, may I remind my forgetful self that I havent eaten in days with barely any sleep so ny strength would be equal to a noodle at this moment.

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