Your Safe Now

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The feeling of relief washed over me when my eyes finally crept open hearing somebody repeativly calling my name nonstop. I stayed still till my vision cleared furthermore to where I can see that I was located in Donnie's lab laying down viewing the high ceiling above myself. The mysterious voice still ringed in my ears, I sat up slowly as the remanence of pain stung at my side from a foot that caught me off guard.

I looked over to my right side to see no other than Leonardo himself. Eyes that showed concern and drowsiness sitting in his brother's wheely chair. He was across from me over at the thousands of computers were located in the room. I wanted to greet him, only for my throat to dry up in lack of any liquid keeping me hydrated. Waving in his visual point to get his attention, luckily he saw me and waved back weakly.

He rolled around towards the table I sat at, "Hey, how 'ya feeling?"

My voice let out this horrible squeak as an answer to his question, the turtle had a terrified expression painted on his face.

He immediately bombarded me with questions that I couldn't answer, "What happened? Did Karai cut your throat? D-Did she-"

I cut him off with my palm in the air and pretended to be drinking a cup and gulping it down repeatedly until his blue orbs widened in realization snapping his fingers that he did. Still sitting in the chair, he rolled over to the fountain that was on the wall behind me, grabbing a paper cone like cup and filled it with clear water. I grabbed it generously once he brought it over and nodded my head showing him a smile to say thank you. The water was cold and mouth watering that it was gone in a second.

I looked back at him wiping the remaining water from my lips on my jacket sleeve and said," Thanks". Leo nodded with a small smile to his lips then pointed towards the entrance of his brothers lab. "I'm gonna search for Don, he can look to see if you can get up or not".

I nodded coughing a bit in my sleeve. My friend left the room to retrieve his brother sliding the door back shut completely after he left. I sighed out of boredom, scooting my body to the edge just enough to dangle my legs feeling its numbing pulse in the muscles. I cringed as my side blowed up with the same stinging pain, my hand was on the right side of my stomach holding it finding it somehow lessen the pain a tad bit. I looked down at myself and saw blood spotted everywhere; mostly on my shirt.

I shrugged off my jacket easing in the coolness of the lair my way. One of my favorite black jackets, and it was torn to shreds. It had a running hole that stretched from the collar to the hem of the bottom of the clothing, knowing I'mma have to throw it away when I get home.

Deciding to just take off the crimson stained clothing and to throw it away after I get checked on by Donnie, leaving me in my tank top. I smelt like blood and sweat mixed in one, I lifted the thin fabric up to see white wrappings around my torso area where it already had bloody splotches running through the thousands of wraps but could tell it had been dried up.


The sudden animalistic noise caught my body in a jump; it sounded as if it was right outside. More noise came after that of crashes and human yelps became louder in fear. I know I shouldn't be the dumb one that's in a safety net and decides to leave to get mauled, but it in all made me curious to see what's going on.

'Ughh just go ahead and be the freaking moron you are and leave one of the safest places in this lair. Hopefully you do get mauled so that way maybe your face might look better'

I really need a new self conscious. Nonetheless, I slid down the high table groaning as I stepped the landing, then with every step to the door was more excruciating than the previous but the loud pounding sounds made it worth the pain.

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