Training with the Blue

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My eyes fluttered open as if an alarm clock went through my head to awaken. I can't even remember when I fell asleep last night after that whole commotion went down. I yawned and stretched out my aching muscles in my arms then rubbed the sleep out of my eyes to see more clearly in the blurry room.

That looked somewhat familiar very very familiar.

My hands laid back on the lumpy mattress, until feeling something hard hit my hip, and the mattress was rather firm yet also warm; what kind of mattress is this?

The thing touching on my hip twirled around my torso in a lagging motion. I looked down to the green appendage, and that it's a arm! Around me!

The sound of low, grumble of snores was behind me. The hairs on the back of my neck arise from the close proximity of the green stranger with apparently enough guts to share a bed with me. What have been doing last night?!?

My body twisted around slowly feeling the anxiety come again; only to find a dosed off turtle laying in front of my eyesight lightly snoring in my black hair.

'How did I not see that when I first woke up? I dont know'

My heartbeat picked up a pace -or twenty feeeling how close we really were. I looked down beneath the comforter and had a breath of relief to seeing my clothes still on. After seeing this, I can't imagine not looking underneath, what happened last night to where all of this could happen in one night.

"Morning sleeping beauty"

His husky deep voice startled me, I felt being small-er in this moment. The way his eyes were open half lidded told me either he didn't realize we are in the same bed or he's still sleep. Sadly I couldn't move, if I move i'mma feel rude to wake somebody up like this so I stayed feeling my whole body wrap up in warmth from both the blankets and him.

"M-morning to you too Leo"

I looked back up to see him looking straight into my eyes without the dosey- look in them locking his dark blue ones to my light blue eyes, his smile sended chills down my spine and the fact that he still hasnt let go of me is doubling it. I guess he figured where his arm was and slowly removed it to his own side.

"Umm sorry about that" his faced turned brighter than Raphs mask

"It's cool I didn't mind"

"Oh, you didn't "

What am I saying right now, I should be jumpingout of his bed and running home. Just seeing the smirk on April and Angela's faces if they see me coming out of Leo's room like this and they already knew we left together to get some dinner.

In my mind I knew it was wrong, but in ...everywhere except for my mind said to just let it flow, and I don't know which one to listen to. I can't lie, it did feel nice in this position and it's not like we did anything, I probably fell asleep, Leo doesn't have a key to my house so he let me sleep her then decided it would be cool to sleep in the same bed. My head was spinning and my body felt so tired to get out of bed.

A hand was placed on my head making me stop my thoughts to see the blue eyed turtle smile down at me and ruffled my hair. I swatted at his hand hearing him chuckle, he didn't seem to mind all that is going down right now, yet could still see the pink dusted cheeks on the mutated turtle.

"Want some breakfast Em?"

This time I didn't have to have my stomach roar in front of him and nodded my head. I twisted around to see that I had space to move and did by moving my legs to the end and pushed off getting balanced quickly. I looked down at myself and felt ashamed with how dirty I was and the fact that I was sleeping in someone's bed made it worse.

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