Into Pieces

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"Donnie how's the retro mutagen working out?" I asked coming into my brothers lab seeing him with his goggles on filing up test tubes with chemicals that I don't know about nor could understand.

"Good, except I just can't seem to get the reactor chemicals to absored to the hydrogen acid with the nucleonic proxide -"

"Ughhh! Too much brainy stuff dude!"' Mikey yelled barging in the room covering his ears with his hands running around the lab like a .....Mikey.

Master Splinter, who walked into the lab with me, tripped Mikey falling on his face and told him to stop while Donnie was working. Sensei, Donnie and I were coming up with a plan to end the upcoming invasion from the Kraang but all of the ideas werent full proof. During the conversation, Raph came bursting through the doors telling Donnie to come with him with the medical kit, by Raph's facial expression it seemed serious.

Donnie grabbed his first-aid kit and walked out the lab first with the rest of us behind him. Before my eyes was April, a girl we didn't know, and Ember laying across the couch with her head in April's lap unconscious, I swear I could feel my breathing stop and my mind clouded up with false hopes about my dear Ember.

"What-who- whats going on?" I asked looking at April for answers.

"We got ambushed by some foot bots and one shot her in the shoulder blade. We had to bring her here for help" April said all in one breath not taking her eyes off of her family member as she carcasses her head.

"Ummm ok then... Hey I'm Mikey" Mikey smiled looking at the new girl having his hand out to wave at her.

"April you have brung a stranger inisde our lair! " You could tell by his voice Master Splinter wasn't too thrilled.

"Sensei I can exlain-"

"Oh My Gosh! Donnie stop doing that" Embers voice boomed in my ear and my head spinned over to the couch, to see that Donnie was done patching the black headed teen done with wrappings all around her shoulder.

"What did you just do? " Raph asked before I could

He simply answered, "Gave her sewer water to wake her up"

Going back to April. "Like I said I can explain Sensei, Irma's a very trusting person...... hehehe she can keep a secret, right Irma?"


Ember POV

'Note to self, kill Donnie for making me drink sewer water AGAIN and then kill April for doing what I said not to do before I fell asleep'

I felt the wraps around my right shoulder tighten once I sat up and everybody was either looking at me or Irma or just all of us girls completely. I got up from my seat feeling the pain in my side but pretended that it wasn't phasing me.

"Like I said I can explain Sensei, Irma's a very trusting person, she can keep a secret; right Irma? " April said as we all took a look at Irma's shocked expression.

"Ma'me I swear we will not hurt you" Leo tried calming her down for her to get worse by the second.

She started stuttering and she froze up like a statue. She was standing a little way behind the couch still afraid of the turtles and Sensei that stood closer to Donnie's lab. I walked up to her waving a hand in her face without any luck to bring her back as she was still in space.

The weirdest and scariest thing happened before my eyes in seconds; the short girl began screeching out 'turtles' in a high robotic voice. Her head stretched out to start started spinning a 180°, her arms disconnected with her legs next and soon her whole body like she was a broken machine.  And as I remember there's suppose to be a organs or something in the body NOT a Kraang brain thingy with one eye.

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