Kunoichi Ready🌸

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              Leo POV

"Guys we're back!" April yelled stepping in our home as usual around this time on a weekday.

Angela's voice was the next one to resound in the quiet air." Yep, from another miserable day at the place I can't say cause it's a bad word"

I turned away from the screen of the television from watching the news.  April, Ang, and Ember walked in past the railing and layed their bookbags on a coat rack Mikey just found but never found the right place for it yet, until now. Angela cartwheeled over to the kitchen hopefully making some good because Raph broke the oven again this morning. The red head waved at me and went through the curtain of beads of the kitchen.

Ember was the last to fully walk in, looking better from her little surgery 2 weeks ago. She first was limping but now it's to the point where it could be unnoticed sometimes. The said girl hasn't talked to me, nor April or my brother Donnie after the stitching.

At first I was feeling a bit of shots of pain whenever I would greet her then in return she would send off a glare my way after the first two days, but April had to remind me of what happens.

"Em's normally like that after getting a shot or something that deals with needles. One time I was with her to get her wisdom teeth pulled out and she didn't talk to me until her swelling went down a month later"

She looked nice today; not that she doesn't everyday. It was the way her braided black hair swayed off the side of her left shoulder, a small bang covering the same side as the ponytail of her forehead, letting a grey ribbon be wrapped at the end of her hair with a bow. Her hands stayed in her dark blue, ripped up pockets of her jean short while wearing a plain black V-neck shirt.

Her eyes stayed on the floor and I watched quietly knowing I probably won't get a happy greeting once again. Although, she did sit beside me on the couch; her back rested on the other arm of the chair as her body and feet took up the entirety of the one long cushion. My body only took up the other cushion, still leaving a seat left if anybody wanted it.

I felt my plastron buzzing from something, I looked for my phone only remembering that it was upstairs on the charger.
My hands felt warm, I didn't feel like returning my eyes back at the news any longer.

'I wonder what Ember does at school? Or if she plays an instrument, does she do any clubs?'

Wait why am I thinking about that about her, we just met for like two weeks now!


My train of thought were set to a halt. My eyes became more focus to my body shrink back into the crease of the couch; lighter blue eyes were staring back into my soul. With the visual being so close up; I could see everything. The almost wide, high-spirited, highlighted, blue eyes were halfway hidden by a curtain of smooth, charcoal colored bangs. Her pale skin suited her form; a beautiful personality filled with smartness, beauty, and so much more I wanted to figure out by time.


"I'm sorry"

My mind was still figuring out what was happening; I guess she understood by my face. "I-I'm sorry about the past couple of days. I know I've been acting pretty crabby and that's only when somebody sticks me with a n~... uhh a ne ~"

I guess she doesn't tolerate the word either.

"I think I get what your saying. And it's completely understandable!".

Her genuine smile she showed spread on my face as well.

"If y'all two lovebirds are done...", his accent wasn't very unfamiliar unfortunately.

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