Don't Shoot!!!

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I heard guns being loaded and purple bullets came zooming at top speed past my eye sight before I can register my brain to tell me to move. My body squated down behind the dead flower pot I'm greatful I put out here. For some reason the zombies kept shooting but their terrible never hit me.

'Maybe their the Men in Black'

There was a pause in the air for a few minutes and took that as a sign to leave to go back in my room and pretend that I didn't just witness a terrible shooting with identical suited guys. Hopefully they were dumb enough to forget where I live.

A single gun shot went off unexpectedly when I was half way in the window. A singe of fire like pain went into my ankle shooting electricity through my whole system letting out a cry of pain. I hissed at the breaking of my balance and fell on my side on the fire escape scraping my arm in the action. My ankle was turning red on the bullseye with a dark purple ring around it already.

'Damn me and my easily bruising body!'

The area that I thought was secure by the bolts that was drilled into the cemented, brick wall started to jiggle violently with a rusty scrap. Peeping through the slots of the stairs, I watched helplessly as one of those freaks started messing with the fire escape ladder; there's no way he can move this heavy equipment so easily.

Yet no matter how much I thought that it was impossible, he moved it from its bolts like it was nothing. I screamed to get somebody's attention; anyone's. I was too far now from my window to get up and crawl through and afraid that if I let go of the railing, I might die.

"The intruder known as human has intervened on our talk called the conversation"

Shocked could be seen over my face from a mile away, the monotone robotic voice that was behind me. I was lifted in the air without my consent by unfamiliar cold hands that threw me over it's shoulder. The person or incredibly strong and stealthy thing jumped off the ladder and landed on its feet with ease. It's hold releasing me to the ground like a rag doll at the end leaving me to let out another groan.

Everything was happening too quickly in the blurry view it showed. The identical men that were shooting at me all looked in my direction in sync with boredom on thier identical face. My heart was jumping out my chest at this point to where I thought even they could hear it, simultaneously turning around as fast I could to get up and run.

I ordered my body to get up and run anywhere, it's just the second my foot hit the ground my body sent a stroke of pain from my left ankle. I fell into the rocky soil beneath us with no pillow to cushion my fall. I grinded my teeth together to stifle my cry, crawling on my back away from them instead seemed like the only option.

I kept my eyes between them and the dark space beside the trash dumpster. Unfortunately, my back hit the cold stone wall quicker than I expected, the stones that sent freezing shivers up my spine made it feel like a horror movie moment. My eyes scanned the whole narrow perimeter behind the jerks in front of me that were getting closer by the second.

I bet no one in this city cares about my distressed moment, not even the people that were peering out the window to see why I was screaming and hearing gun shots through the air. Unless a dumpster can help me, I was doomed.

" We must destroy the so called evidence of the intruder", one of them spoke in a monotone voice.

They instantly pointed their guns in my face viewing the purple color coming from inside the big machine up close did not look any prettier. Covering my face with my sore arms finding this as the last resort. I waited for the impact

And waited....

And waited...

Nothing happened yet. Instead the sound of weapons slicing and electrical static went off around me and decided that the coast wasn't clear yet. Staying seated on the ground, my body scrunched up in a ball pressing my back unto the corner of the alleyway in the shadow so at least the new comer wouldn't spot me.

"All right, there gone mame". A new voice came through, he sounded like he was hovering over me. The voice was masculine, not so much of a husky tone lathering it so the mystery man must be in his teens.

I looked up blinking away the street light glare that stood behind him that caused his whole face to be shadowed from my eyes. His body form looked funny; almost like a giant oval ball like. I wrestled with myself, prying up on my good leg and the wall to slide upwards.

"W-Wait! Don't get up, I can see that you got hit"

" Then how else am I suppose to say thank the person that saved my life" I asked him fully leaning my back on the brick wall.

He replied while he returned his weapons that seemed to look like swords on his back." It's my job to help anyone in need"

" Then..... at least come into the light so I can see my savior"

" I can't! ......You may not like what you see"

I laughed a little and continued to press on; I got intrigued by this little game.

"If you don't look like my friend Casey, your good", hearing his small chuckle made me blush, it sounded so sweet and calm.

" Sadly I cannot fulfill your request. As a vigilante I must stay hidden"; seemed reasonable.

"Only because you saved my life from those things, but next time I have to see you". Without any chances to disagree, he nodded.

I nodded as well and started scooting my way back home with the wall for support on my left side. As he said, he was a secretive person who had to hide his identity; so him just watching me get home in a agonizing slow pace did seem a bit better than for him to just leave me alone. He didn't speak much after that and again I was ok with that.

My home was only the second door to the left and up two flights of stairs, it just seemed so long because of the injury I knew I had to wrap up in ice when I get home. Without watching where I stepped instead looking forward, a alerting high screeching scared me off guard. Whatever was under my foot, swepted my foot away for gravity to plunge me to my harsh fall.

          And I waited.....

                  And I waited.......

Instead of another harsh bruising on my body, large arms were felt holding me up. "Are you ok mama?"

The question wasn't what caught me with my voice stuck in my throat.  The mystery man continued to ask me questions only to to sound mumbled in death's ear. Because of the light shifting, it shadowed only half of his facial features now; nonetheless, I could scan more of his body.

And I almost passed out.

It wasn't himself that was round. No, he had something round on his back.

His bare feet didn't have five toes.

The hands that held me up didn't feel as though there was five fingers attached to them.

'Wh-What is he?'

" Ma- Oh Shell! Mame please j-just don't scream" he said

It took almost half my life time to find anything to even think of saying or do; "....Ok"

Once that only word left my lips. My brain blew in a final attempt to understand what I'm seeing. Everything fell into darkness with nothing else to focus on but the fact-

   That a freaking turtle was talking to me!

Ok! So Thank You for everyone that decided to take the time to read this book. Also I wanted to give a special thanks to the amazing turtle lovers that volunteered to be the characters for my books.

Snicker143 as Angela💚
tmnt51 as Ember💙

Thank you everyone

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