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Ember POV

I sat in my last block's seat only having ten more minutes before the bell rings for the day of the beginning of our national break for a graceful week. Here in New York called Summer Week, where they let students from all over have a week off a month or two before summer. Good part is, Master Splinter said April and I can stay over, we just can't sleep alone with the guys of course.

"Miss. Ember"

I spinned my head around to the front of the class instead of out the window and found everybody staring at me with either bored expressions or the 'Busted' look. My science teacher, Mrs.Heartly stood at the board pointing to a diagram of a atom sample loooking at me impationtly while tapping her foot.

"Ma'me" I asked hoping I didn't miss anything important

"What does nuclear hypodronic bicoral mean?"

'What the heck, is that even a word? I'm pretty sure Einstein can't even answer that'

I looked at April to see if she could help me out, but she's too busy starring at Casey from behind while he's busy doodling himself asleep. I watched the clock tick and only two more minutes left.

I stuttered out my words trying to make up time seeing her unamused by my action but hey I dont care, if it was her she would've done the same thing.

"It means that the umm it does the thingy with the other jigy mabob and goes into the long thing making-"

The final bell rung cutting me off greatfully

"Saved by the bell"

I immediatly grabbed my bag and sprinted out with the whole class pretending not to hear Mrs.Heartly calling out my name a thousand times.

I skipped my locker visit and caught up with Angela, Casey, Irma, and April at the exit. We stepped outside feeling barely any breeze, just a sunny day to catch us in it's heat. We headed in our usual path to where we would soon seperate from Irma, I'm surprised that the smart girl hasn't firgured the whole secrecy thing, I mean she's the smartest girl to even get to the 12th grade early.

"Oh noodles! I forgot something at school" Angela said looking inside her red bag rampaging through her cluttered things.

"What was it ?" Casey asked trying to look inside the bag but she moved it away from him. "My earbuds, I left them in my locker, Casey come on" She pulled Casey's arm not caring if he wanted to go or not and went toward the opposite direction we just came from. Casey tried to refuse but having a half mutant tiger pulling you isn't gonna work out well.

"So what are y'all doing for the summer week?" Irma asked for the first time since we got out of school today.

"We're just gonna spend the week at our friends lair- I mean house" I hope Irma believes my correction I made.

'Dumb broad stop being so dumb!!!'

She only shrugged her shoulders not caring and I looked in the corner of my eye to my left seeing April give me the warning expression she would give. We carried on in our walk with Irma in between April and I and now Irma won't shut up about 'the other friends'aka the turtles that she will never know about. I kept quiet while April did the explanation to her since I don't want to accidentally blurt out any other secrets.

We crossed an alley way that lit the walls from the sun and shadow and I swear I thought I saw something move, maybe a stray cat. I kept it to myself and continued walking with the others. My senses felt that we're being watched from above, it can't be the guys it's still day light, can it?

"Irma there just regular friends; on another note, it's hot out here so how can you stand being in that heavy sweater and jeans" April said noticing Irma's fashion wear and I didn't get the clothes either but didn't ask about it.

"I don't even notice the heat" She answered carryingher biology textbook in her arms.

We were about to take a left beside the street light turning like usual. A ninja star flew infront of us stopping us immediately with a jump, the object penetrated the wood of the pole by April's arm. Five Foot ninjas jumped down from the skies landing around us in a circle, all with weapons in hand. I felt my heart rate speed up by the action and I knew we had to do something that wouldn't get us caught and delivered to Kraang or The Shredder, nor get caught with Irma knowing who we really are.

"Holy Camolie! Who are they?"

Niether me nor April answered Irma's question being too busy eyeing the enemies and the foot ninjas were getting a bit too close.

One infront of me had a bo-staff and swung it aiming at my head, I crouched down and grabbed its lower half under the stomach and picked it up throwing it behind me to land on its head. Taking the mini knife out of my boot Leo advised me to carry now, then threw it at another ones eye. April took care of the other ones hearing her grunts and static going off. Eventually more popped out of nowhere readying their weapons in the air, but this group had more arms connected to them like bugs.

''Well we like to stay but we got a appointment, gotta go!" I stammered running, pushing Irma ahead of me and April steering us in a direction to go in.

"Run Irma, run with those little legs! " I heard April yell.

"Im running, I'm running''

April took a right across the street and I knew exactly what she was trying to do. We took the right but I pushed both of them into another small alley that was narrow so we had to slide through only having enough space to not kiss the wall. We krept up against the wall and stayed quiet hearing the bundle of foot bots running by. As the cost was clear, I let out a sigh of relief but then my head spinned toward April giving her a glare.

"What'd I do? " She asked unknowingly

"I know where you were trying to take us at"

"Yeah, because they can help Em"

"Why can't you just call Donnie and ask what to do?"

"One of those bots threw a star destroying my T-phone, where's yours? "

"Left it at the lair" I sighed defeated


"April as we all remember this is a secret place, which means oh I don't know, a secret"

"What choice do we have?"

"I don't know a warehouse, dumpster, the junkyard, anywhere but the-"

A gun fired, alarming us all with a gasp, it was very close by not sensing the attacker until now that stood above us with a laser gun in his possession.  My freckled cousin quickly took it out with her black fans while I gridded my teeth together concentrating on not letting out a large hiss of pain.

'Why can't I ever look through my surroundings. Now's not the time to think negative stupid..... yet I'm always thinking negative stupido'

I heard April and Irma yell out something, but my ears blurred everything out that quickly as if someone stuffed my ears in the water. My vision wasn't so good either, I can't believe with one motion everything can change drastically around you. My numbing body felt weightless when I lifted my hand to ease the pain on my right shoulder, the stinging pain that eased through like a shotgun recalled to me that I needed medical attention. The heaving in my chest felt as if a pound was laying on each of my lung sack causing my breathing to be harsh and uneven. They started running, gunshots were still firing, then it went faint.

Everything went faint

Ok! So Thank You for everyone that decided to take the time to read this book. Also I wanted to give a special thanks to the amazing turtle lovers that volunteered to be the characters for my books.

Snicker143 as Angela💚
tmnt51 as Ember💙

Thank you everyone

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