We Can't Stay Here

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Ember POV

It's been 2 hours in the invasion and no sight of Master Splinter, Angela, Casey or Leonardo while April, Mikey, Raph, Donnie, and I found shelter with April's dad in thier apartment until our friends come. So far, it's not good out there; all you can hear was things crashing down to the ground, shots being fired and innocent humans scream at the top of thier lungs pleading for help.

"It's over, it's all over" I watched my uncle rock himself on the couch with his knees bent hugging them to his chest.

"We gotta go back out there" April said finishing up bandaging Donnie's arm that was cut from the invasion.

My Uncle refused but what can he do he's to busy cowaring already.  We heard the door knob jiggle open before the door burst open hinges breaking off revealing Casey and a smoking Angela out of breath, but they looked unharmed so far.

"Ang, what happened?" I asked coming up to her to the couch and Casey followed suit

"Oh nothing, just that New York is getting invaded by aliens and Kraang Prime is here too, it said hi" She blurted out sarcastically.


I was pushed away from the orange eyed girl from no other than her green shelled boyfriend hugging her for dear life, she took it like a pro and patted his head.

"Did y'all see Leo or Sensei by any chance?" I asked interrupting the couples reunion, hopefully one them would say something good out of this wrong doing.

"No, I thought everyone was here. I see Red's pops so does that mean your moms here too Em?" Casey asked sitting beside April on the arm of the chair.

"No, sadly from what Uncle said the hospital was one of the first to be contaminated. We also got seperated in the sewer and we tried calling Leo but he wouldn't pick-"

The window was smashed before our acknowledgement causing us to either be alert with weapons out or frozen. We all covered ourselves from the sharp pieces of glass that flew everywhere and dust. I opened my eyes after it seemed that the smoke cleared up looking through the foggy smoke.

"LEO! ". My heart almost flew out of it's proper space finding Leo unconscious on the ground.

Not taking my steps carefully, almost tripping twice in the process of running over to him to put my head on his shell hearing faint thumps of his heart pumping. He didn't look like he was gonna move anytime soon, he shared black and puple bruises and cuts that must've been from a vicious fight.

"Oh turtles, we know your there with your human friends, come out or we come in" A foreign being spoke in a sing-song creepy tone.

"Great TigerClaws here, probably with the others too" Raph warned us, taking out his sias through his fingers.

A couple of foot came through the windows holding out multiple weapons. Meanwhile, we fought them off but the more we took down, the enemies would double the defense that kept coming in crowding up the small space of the living room. It was hard to fight while protecting my injured friend but I won't stop.

Uncle O'Neil said something but I couldn't catch it all, he raced out the broken window and into air, for a second I thought he actually lost his marbles. The rest of us followed behind scared that he committed suicide in front of us.

We made our way through the mob of enemies to the window he jumped out of to find a yellow hippy van waiting below us on the curb, knowing that was our que to leave. Raph and Don helped pick up their brother and quickly made it to the vehicle placing him in the back when we finally got to the automobile.

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