I'm never letting Go

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"You didn't think we would let yall have all the fun" Mikey said having his nun chuck chain around Leo's body

I watched in awe as Donnie and Mikey were hooked up to helicopter propellers things making the two turtles fly in mid-air. I stumbled off the dead creature feeling my body wobbling from my left to my right and walked over the few feet to help them set Leo down carefully.

I fell to the ground knees first, harshly. I let out a cry and was pulled away from my friends that were calling my name in shock. Before I could even think of what was dragging me, a huge painful kick went to my side and the impact flew me to a something so hard to make my head spin once I was impacted to it,  sliding down to have the dirt and grass in my eyesight.

I could hear a feminine screech, my throat burned and coughed up fluid that tasted of burnt iron. The taste made me want to gag and the world had twisted in front of me to an end.

Spongebob narrators voice ~few long days later~


It's all my fault

I got Ember hurt from emotional to physical. If I haven't had said anything stupid this would've never happened, if I would've protected her like I said I would.

I'm so thankful that Mikey and the crew was around to help us and Donnie figured out that the monster was made out of the swamp and mutagen from I dont know how the mutagen got there but it did.

It was 3 in the morning, so no one was up right now except for me. I couldn't and wouldn't rest without knowing this beautiful beauty in fron of me was resting peacefully. I watched in despair at Ember's unemotional exspression on her face, as if she was only sleeping another night, but she wasn't, she was fighting for her life right now and it's all my fault. My fingers lightly brushed strands of her black hair away from her pale face and saw the bruise on her cheek that was left when she got kicked by the swamp monster.

My chest burned in a way I couldn't describe, was it like this when Em watched after me?

Over the past months, my palms would get warm when I would touch her hand, how my heart throbbed out my shell whenever I hugged her comfort, when my eyes forsaked me to believe that another person would enjoy watching Space Heroes. Whenever she left the lair, I would always feel lonely even though I have my family, I can't help but admire her flawless personality, the way she cried for me when no one else would.

"Ember please wake up, I know your gonna make it, I'm not giving up on you. I wish I couldve told you in the woods, but from the past months I known you you made my life... amazing, you got to know me and my crazy family and you understood me more than anyone, Em. You put your life on the line for me and I could never find a way to repay you equally that all I can say is thank you and that...... I.. love y-you"

The feeling of sadness took over my emotions and wasn't afraid to let the tears fall. I held my head low covering my eyes and muffled my sobs with my other hand that was laying on my leg. If she passes, I would loose everything; I already lost my father, I pray to never loose my brothers and friends, but I can't imagine my life without Ember.

"I L-love you to-oo Leonardo" A quiet and scratchy voice spoke over my cries.

A small hand barely squeezed mine with a gentle touch. I pushed my hand away from my eyes and met with the light blue eyes that took my breath away when I found her in the alley way. Em gave me a weak smile knowing she was struggling to do just that, making my heart wanna explode


"Don't cry leader" Ember said weakly

"I can't help it, I almost lost you?"

" I'm not that important Leo. I almost got you killed and all I am is just a fool" She spoke lowly about herself, the things she said made me cringe in my seat

I don't know what happened to me, my brain and my movement weren't going together as my blue eyes stared into hers with my hand gliding behind her neck. Her eyes never left mine and I never left hers. Her lips cascaded mine and I couldn't help it. I broke the space in between us leaving nothing to break us apart. Her lips were smooth and warm, I felt her smile in the kiss and I loved every bit of it. Every emotion I had soared through the kiss not wanting my words to fail me.

I broke the kiss feeling our airways dying for air. I opened my eyes that absent mindlessly closed and saw the sparkle return in her breathtaking ocen blue orbs. Her forehead rested on mine and let my eyes stay at hers.

"Em... Would you- . go out with a turtle like me, I can never promise that you won't get hurt again. But I can promise that I will be there to heal them for you?" I studdered

"Of course Leonardo Hamoto" she giggled cutely

The kiss went longer this time as she pushed her lips unto mine, it stayed as a soft passionate loving kiss that felt like eternally, or that I wish would've happened. That didn't stop her arms wrapping around my neck and soon I picked her up gemtly setting her on my lap wanting to deepen the kiss.

"I see yall feel better"

I groaned inwardly finding everyone in the doorway of the living room grinning and with tired eyes

"Oh, yall are up ?" Em said seeing the blush on her now red face hiding in my plastron

" We couldn't sleep with all the noise" Angela gagged jokingly

"Cousin?, wanna get down now" April asked crossing her arms

Ember realized that she was on me and tried scooting off but my arms around her got tighter so there was no luck for her, she then stared at me like 'What are you doing?' with her blush.

"Im never letting you go Ember,  no matter what"

"Ughhh get a damn room"

Ok! So Thank You for everyone that decided to take the time to read this book. Also I wanted to give a special thanks to the amazing turtle lovers that volunteered to be the characters for my books.

Snicker143 as Angela💚
tmnt51 as Ember💙

Thank you everyone

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