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   Leo POV

"The tiger has arrived my fellow people!"

"No, correction the crazy girl who still owes me twenty bucks, has arrived" Ember retorted back while walking in the lair with Angela by her side who flung her book bag aimlessly to the side. As for the black haired teen who gently hooked her strap of her bag on the hook like a normal person. I guess they didn't have homework this Friday evening.

The tan-skinned girl sheepishly laughed. "Or that"

I stayed in my seat on the couch waiting for my only favorite show 'Space Heroes' to play soon before we have to train with Sensei and then go on patrol right after.

The gorgeous girl sat beside me sitting indian style, she greeted me with a warm smile before turning back to the Tv. The words that formed into icebreaker sentences in my mind were belched out to her unexpectedly before I could vacuum them back in. My words have been getting twirled around to make incoherent sentences nowadays; I don't know how to discontinue the humiliation that apparently happens when I'm around the girls, or girl.

After that training incident three days ago, either April or Raph would give us a look whenever Ember and I were around each other just speaking about life and it's weirdly frustrating.

"Yo romeo maybe if you stop drooling you can talk correctly " I threw a deadly glare at my red clad brother, but my anger vanished hearing Ember laugh at the argument.

Ember's black hair couldn't curtain her face this time as it was fitted in a messy bun on her head once again. I watched with interest as her cheeks flushed pink and fiddled with a lonely loose strand displayed on the side of her pale skin face.

"Awww so cute! Now time for pizza marathon" Angela whispered with a shout at the end of her statement behind the couch that we relaxed on shocking Em out her seat.

Angela's random appearances she does constantly has become a habit, not surprising me anymore since I did have Mikey for a brother and she does live with us now.

"Oooo Leo-Leo-Leo-Weo turn it up! It's on"

'Wait, did she just call me Weo or was she just saying her words to fast getting it jumbled up?'

"Did you just call me-"

"No no no no no no, Captain Ryan's voice only". She held a finger over my mouth silencing my voice from saying anything else. Her head snapped back to the tv screen but I could tell she was still blushing.

Raph looked up from his comic he was reading on his favorite bean bag chair in the corner and once he saw what was on the small screen he bounced up from his seat and left going upstairs to do who knows what.


The ending titles rolled on and off the screen watching my favorite show turn off. I couldn't get myself to say anything the whole time to Ember, I attempted too once through a short break but she said if I spoke again that I would end up with my shell in my mouth. The way her eyes seemed like it glowed dark red after her promise made it perfectly clear to not speak or even think of a word. I forgot once she got interested in something to watch she liked to watch it without interruptions.

I sighed now able to speak, "Ember?"

She seemed in a happer mood now that she watched the show. "Yeah Leo, what's up?"

It felt as if she was a child when her bent legs were secured against her ribs, her arms shrunk into the cozy looking t-shirt, or maybe she was cold.

"I- uh um I doorknobed that t.v." I busted out not comprehending anything of what I said

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