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No one POV

"Leo are you crazy"

Raph was currently yelling at his older brother for his crazy plan that everyone was listening too. The whole gang were seated in the living room as Leo has requested to have a game plan for something that no one knew until now.

"Leo, it's so soon. Are you sure about this?"

Ember, the leader's lover, asked sitting on the arm of the solo chair they shared.


"No your not"

"Raph, I'm the leader, I know what's good for this team. With some extra training here we can be ready" Leo announced

Everyone was quiet thinking about which side to choose from. It's been three months since their battle with the swamp beast, which lead to more mutated creatures and things of that nature. The blue clad finally had his brace that helped heal his broken bones get fixed, get tooken off a week ago and while he was healing he manged to form a plan that would be successful for their greatest mission, but he needed his team by his side.

After a few moments of silence, one by one the seven others either nodded or smiled showing the leader of their decision, with one that obviously had to groan with his answer.

" Alright, let's get down to business and get back New York"

Wow, I took longer finishing the book than I would've thought. But it's finished, re-edited and finished again.

Ok! So Thank You for everyone that decided to take the time to read this book. Also I wanted to give a special thanks to the amazing turtle lovers that volunteered to be the characters for my books.

Snicker143 as Angela💚
tmnt51 as Ember💙

Thank you everyone

If y'all found any mistakes please tell me, thank you

And tmnt51 I am truley sorry it took this long with my slow self to finish the story.

But I hope yall enjoyed the second series of this journey with the turtles

... what.. y'all this was the end 😂😂😂 oh shell nah, there's more. But Imma be honest and tell y'all its gonna be a slow update but it will be worth it.

Will it be Raph or Donnie... or even Casey next in the series ?????

Keep reading to find out. I will write the first 3 or 4 pages before I publish it also.

Again thank you everyone for still waiting for me to finish and liking the story

Adios lovely turtle lovers and see you soon


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