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    ~After Master Splinter explaining their whole life stories~

Ember POV

Wow. As the ra- I mean Splinter said the last sentence of their history story. He introduced the turtles as his sons; Michelangelo which was the hyper orange clad turtle, Donatello who wore the purple bandana, Rapheal that looked like he would punch somebody just by saying hi, and Leonardo the one that saved me last night from those robots.

"And those goons that attacked you last night were evil robots from TCRI " April inputted.

Then Mikey added on, " And their from this other galaxy that wants to take over earth"

All this new and bewildered information got me light headed. I placed my hand on my temple hoping to stop the dizziness and organizing the facts.

"Let us let our new guest take in this information one at a time, for now it's time for patrol and it is time for you three to get some rest at home" Splinter spoke wisely turning around to go back in the dojo I just learned about.

Everyone besides me, nodded and went to do what was told, while I stood there like a chicken in space. I sat there on the couch watching Angela go upstairs and return back down with a weapon that had a structure of mini scythes; two of them actually that were chained together at the end, placing them on her belt around her hips.

A hand grasped my arm startling me from the sudden touch only to calm back down seeing April showing off a freckled smile.

"Come on, we're getting kicked out" She giggled.

Nodding at her words, I paused realizing what Splinter words actaully meant earlier, " Wait, he said only three of us were to go home, yet there's four humans"

" Oh yeah, that's because I live here with the turtles. I've been living here for .... alot of months now" Angela perked up into the conversation and left being one of the first to be at the door way other than Casey and the red bandana turtle roughing it up; laughing while punching each other; boys.

Once everyone was back inside the living room area, Leonardo made the final call saying that we were heading out now. Walking as one of the few in the back with April by my side; not before waving at the wise rodent who greatfully waved back.

It was astonishing how the brown headed girl could live down here with this foul smell of the sewers beside her. Or how a human man can turn into a rat by just a simple gooey accident leading him with four mere pet turtles that were the size of rocks to transform into larger turtles overnight.

The journey to what they call ' topside' was quiet besides Mikey,  Angela, Casey, and Raph's chattering and the air was musky in the sewers that had moss and fungi traveling upon the walls. Luckily, the walkway was wide enough for two people to walk side by side, in order from front to back was; Leonardo and Raphael, Donatello and Casey bickering about something, Michelangelo and Angela making jokes to one another, and last was April and I.

Raphael stomped over to a manhole walking through the disgusting water like it was nothing and everyone followed suit, I guess I have to as well. The red clad turtle pushed the cover over and we all filed out and happened to come to the alley that I remembered being abducted at; great memories right?

Donatello was the one to place the thing back in its place. Leonardo made orders telling the turtles and Angela to head up to the roofs to do their patrolling while he watched us go home.

Since the fire escape was still unattached from the wall I had to go through the front of the apartment complex.

"Ember is it alright if I can sleep over at your place for the night" Asked April who must've been texting Uncle on her phone she was holding.

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