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Ember POV

I don't know if Angela is crazy or if she's just TOTALLY OUT OF HER MIND!!!!!

There's two of us and like 10 of them, I'm not that good at math but I know thats not a fair fight even though it is some pathetic Dragons. Angela stood infront of me and I know she was gonna do something crazier than normal.

The relaxing sweaty air became unsettling, normally the dragins would stay in the alley ways if they find people on their turf, never on the roof tops. I looked away from the scene to try to find something to help, to find a empty roof top and the edge of it to our death or escape.

I moved my head back to the still frozen scene and the leader of the group made his comrades go at it first while he stood back.I could tell from Angela's stance she was ready to go and fight. I stayed a couple feet behind unable to help my friend in this moment.

Now that I see it, Angela never was scared to do anything that wouod scare others, I mean living with turtles and dating one was out of this world. She always was smiling like fighting a group of thugs was intertaining, not caring of the danger and just enjoying life. If only I could be like her.


The familiar howl shook me out of my daydreaming. The steam rised off the now humongous snarling striped cat, the only thing that reminded me that this was still my best friend was the orange eyes that didn't look so cheerful.

Her sudden appearance horrified the threats as if they wetted their pants already. Even in that animal form, she acted like her none caring self and went wild. This time I believe she morphed on purpose, the last time in the lair she said she could control it sometimes unless her emotions get too out of control. The tiger didn't have to much movement, a slashing clawed paw or a harsh swishing tail had half of them already done for the count.

I picked the sound of a grunt and turned my head in the nick of time to duck from a swinging rusty wrench. My foot connected to his gut while he was picking up his weapon. I sighed still hearing the roaring going on behind me.

"Kraang has found the species known as tiger, also known as experiment 626"

The sound of the robotic-like voice popped up around the farthest side of the building from us and the PD. The man in suits with the same face were back.

" Uh Ang. We got more company "

Can she even hear when she's like that? Her fury head spinned around to see more trouble and she hollowered out swiping at the leader who wouldn't stop dodging her hits.

"I guess it's up to me"

Back at the Kraang, they all held different sorts of weapons; all of them consisted of a blade and or electrocution device. They don't seem that fearfull, if they didnt have to have the exact emotionless expression with serial killer weapons; it makes me think about the chainsaw kasked guy in movies. Besides, there were only seven of them so it shouldn't be that hard, right?

Unlike the Purple Dragons, they were fast. Their feet were quick to come to the other side of the roof in seconds already shooting or aiming at the rest of us; villian or not. The first one that came up to me was one that held an electrical stick thingy. He jabbed at me with it, so far only getting air in return; I knew I had to stay on defense for this battle. I ducked as the rod came soaring for my head, my feet were whacked under me and the hard rocky floor broke my fall making me hiss at the pain, it was from another I didn't even see coming.

"If that's how you wanna play it, fine"

With great and risky caution, I switched partners and came back to the previous one. Grabbing the staff by where his own hands were seeing that he was pressing a button I didn't notice in the beginning. I struggled forgetting they had incredible strength as well. Something pressed on my back and electronic shock waves sent me yelling out my lungs.

It burned and felt like my flesh was sizzling, but I needed to get this weapon. Grinding my teeth, I continued struggling to retreive his weapon, feeling over it to find another bottom near the bottom and decided to press it. The business man before me looked shocked, literally; his body covered itself in purple and blue static electricity winding up stiff as a block, then fell with a pink brain-like blob squirming out.

I turned my head lop-sided not knowing the understandment of what I saw. The sizzling pain came back on the same spot even worse now because it was the same spot on my lower back; that's gonna leave a mark.

Now with a weapon I can take a step in the offense lane. The machine electrocuting me still stood with a blank face like the others pressing the button to start the power on the thing.

The new staff felt weightless and now that I get to see it more, it was made of steel or something the color of gray with dark purple swirls in the open cracks that gave it a techno feeling to it. With that out my mind now I focused more on the six left circling me. I didn't use the power source and went for the head using all my strength to push through his defense which was quiet easy, the end of the stuck was in the middle of his head and I pressed on the button in the middle of the staff watching my enemies head blow up with pieces flying and the rest of the body falling limp to the ground.

It felt amazing to actually fight among my friend, having the ability to help instead of being helped; I finally fell like part of the team with my new family now and I swear to never let them down. I held my stance I was taught, legs apart and bent, my weapon tucked in my right arm and my left hand held out in the air in front of me. Two came at me in sync this time taking the challenge, I ran at them full speed. I met with them in the middle and high kicked them both and dropped down hearing the satisfying thud of success.

The last two circled me on my rear and front, great I can't see them at the same time. I pressed the button on my staff and went wild to just swing until I hit them.

That's when a large tiger butted in and dragged her teeth into the one in front of me then swung her tail to the one behind me. I looked at her shocked then glared because I was on a roll and noticed she titlted her head.

" I had those two" I stomped my foot and crossed my arms

I looked down at my dirtied up shoes, when a ball of fur came to my face not ready to take in the impact. The fur was very soft but dirty from the fight now, her black stripes on her orange coat reminded me of her and Mikey in some strange cute way. Her lower body sat down and looked back at her to see her moving her head back and forth from me to her back.

I guess she couldn't speak like the Lion from the wardrobe. I thought she meant get on her back and so I did, I guessed right once I gone and her body lifted me up again. She started to walk and it felt weird knowing I was basically riding my best friend that is half tiger but shook it off. We left the rooftop leaving the unconscious Dragons and broken kraang bots behind.

When we entered the lair everyone, even Casey and April were in the living room munching on pizza watching Space Heroes by my surprise.

The first one to turn away from the screen was Mikey,

"Where have y'all two dudettes been all night", that's when everyone turned to face us

By now Angela transformed back in her short ear and tail human form with torn up clothes and her noticeable tattoo on her back steaming off still.

"Y'all look terrible" I could figure out who said that.

I turned to my brown headed friend to see her looking at me and we both smiled in sync

"Oh nothing"

Ok! So Thank You for everyone that decided to take the time to read this book. Also I wanted to give a special thanks to the amazing turtle lovers that volunteered to be the characters for my books.

Snicker143 as Angela💚
tmnt51 as Ember💙

Thank you everyone

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