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Ember POV- Two days later

"Alright guys time for patrol" Leo announced to the empty lair full of people in different areas of it.

Rising up from his spot on the floor near me, we were just getting done watching Space Heroes together and to my surprise it wasn't that awkward, not awkward at all. I stood up from my spot on the sofa to look around and realize we were the only one's left in the living room and everyone else was doing who knows what, it was nice just getting to relax for a Saturday. During the episodes, I could tell Leo wanted to say something but sadly he never did, luckily there wasn't any awkward silences because of the television.

The orange clad turtle and his girlfriend came from upstairs being the first to walk into the living room. This time only the turtle had his weapons, since Mikey was in front of her I don't think he noticed until he looked back at her with a shock and gloomy expression.

"Your not coming Angel Cakes?" Mikey pouted looking as if he was gonna burst out in tears any second.

"Nope, not today Mikster, gonna chill with Em and April for the night" She reasured standing beside me to make a point.

Everyone soon filed in, all the turtles had their weapons and was ready to search for crime. It was pretty cool and generous of how they protect the city just for the thrill of being outside from the lair; nonetheless, people are still frightened of them and scream even though they just saved them. Although I'm one to blame which made me dissapointed in my ownself.

As Leo ordered for his brothers and himslef to leave and dissapeared in the shadows of the sewers. April was right behind us with a reasurring smile on her face saying that it was time for us to go as well.

I grabbed my jacket from the rack hook before we left, the water under our feet was quiet and hopefully Ebola germ free. It didn't take long for us three to find the right manhole, April went first to check the perimeter. Saying it was clear we climbed out, Angela had to be the last so she covered up the hole properly and we fleed from the scene.

We climbed, well me and April climbed up the fire escape while Ang was jumping side to side on the buildings finding her at the roof tops first. The air had a nice warm breeze to it as the months passed by making me find myself enjoying the atmosphere and sight under us. The cities looked marvelous as if from a portrait with the sunset enlightening us with a breathtaking glow behind the buildings.

"Em, focus!"

I heard my cousin's voice bringing me back to what we were supposed to be doing. She stood straight up infront of Angela and I as we stood by eachother, almost like people at boot camps.  April held out two beautiful black fans with silver Japanese designs on the very tip; I think she mentioned them as tensens, the design on each one was exquisite and the gray steel made it more deadly.

Hmm suits her; nice but deadly.

Next was Angela, swiftly taking out two kamas with black and red tiger like markings around them by her side now that I'm looking at it more carefully.  And now again, I feel like the odd duckling of the group. I guess April saw my akwardness and placed a hand on my shoulder giving it a small squeeze, for some reason that always helped me feel better about the situaion.

'That's because you can't help your own self and have to get people involved'

April forced me to watch first as her and our other friend dual on the concreted roof. I agreed and layed my back on one of the air vents on top of the apartment complex. The fight began with the two circling around eachother meeting eye to eye, the moment stopped when April was first to make a blow from thin air, she swung her tensens toward Ang shoulder but by the speed the orange eyed girl had, she missed.

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