..Was a Bust!!!

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      I re-entered the stance again for the millionth time that I just been taught once more getting the hang of the new unusual feeling.

Leo went on with his training instruction; "Your doing great. Now I would like for you to see the weight difference between the differently made katanas. First let's see if you can spin it, then do a kick and strike at the air, easy right? You got it!"

Not only is he a turtle, he's a crazy one at that. I only got done finding my center with my stance for five minutes. I looked over at him, he stood a good foot away from me to give me space to train, in his sapphire, crystal blue colored orbs I saw that he had hope for me. The way his body was relaxed the whole time, not lecturing me or giving off hints that he was scared I was gonna hurt myself.

So far I didn't mess up since I'm going slow, but what will happen- No, stop that Em, just did what the turtle man says to do. I puffed out my cheeks getting rid of the jitters and went for it.

With one katana I went for the advantage to use both hands, starting with slow turns cautioning myself with the sharp tool. It seemed to be working well in my favor, I stopped the blade having the butt of it straight down towards my feet. Sliding my feet apart from each other and taking that leap of faith, I sped skipped and when I found the right moment of two second in the air I kicked my left leg out, when I came down I came down with a thump of my foot hitting the hard ground.

And then I landed....

Successfully breaking something in my leg as I crumbled to the ground placing my hand on my leg prying my sensitive nerves to stop the buzzing sensation going through my legs. I rubbed from my knee down to my ankle and back up doing it repeatedly. My hand smeared down to feel something something wet, looking down at it to see small drops of blood smeared across my palm.

"Oh shell! Ember. I'm so sorry I knew I should've let you wait some more. Let's take you to Donnie real quick so he can patch you up again"

Without having to debate about the situation, I was lifted up off the ground feeling my feet dangle with a arm under my back and legs. Leonardo began to speed walk over to Donnie's across the whole lair, instead of knocking like a regular person would; he burst through surprising his brother and my cousin that were talking at his lab table that had iron scraps of metal scattered on it.

Donnie's burgandy eyes saw my small bleeding problem on my leg and already acted on reflex.

"Guys I don't think this is a big deal.."

He continued to quickly swat his junk away on the floor carelessly and told Leo to set me down where it was clean.

"We can just clean it up and put a band-aid on it", I tried again. I was on the cold steel in an instant and Donnie and April were squirming around the whole room telling eachother what to get.

"What were y'all doing anyways?" April asked still running around the lab

"Just training", was Leo's answer towards her.

I was talking to death's ear at this point. "Look I'll just show you myself that I am perfectly fine and this stunt is ridiculous-" I jumped a bit to stand on my own two feet.

'Damn, I should've never tried to do that. I think I made it worst; it feels broken. I JUST BROKE MY OWN LEG!!! I should've sat down and stayed still'

As for Leonardo who watched me make a fool of myself, he stood next to me the minute my face showed off how much pain I was in. He repeated the action of putting me back on the table and holding my leg straight with a towel to soak up the blood that was seeping out of my wound.

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