New home

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Ember POV

We made it up to the old Farmhouse in under two day and a half seeing the sun almost about to rise now. Casey drove the van close enough to the porch of the big, worn down, wooden building so we didn't have to walk that far. April went out first knowing where the key was located walking up to the porch to move the corner of the old welcome mat finding the small, rusted, golden key in it's usual place.

I gripped the cold three fingered hand in mine to look down to the still unconscious turtle. The back doors of the van opened with the hockey player giving us a tired smile. Mikey jumped out first to help his girlfriend who was still gloomy from before. Raph went out next turning round looking at the last of us, Donnie placed his arms around Leo's shoulder.

But I stopped him from continuing and looked away from Leo to look at his purple clad brother to give him a questionable look. I guess I was out of it.

"We need to get Leo to a comfortable spot so he can heal better" He explained calmly.

I didn't like the fact that I would have to let go the little strand of what I had to Leo right now. He was the only person that was keeping me from breaking down in the back of the van; I needed to stay strong for Leo now and when he awakens. I relentlessly released my friends hand, at that moment something in my chest felt as though a knife pierced through, the fear of loosing my blue masked companion kept me alert. A presence touched my shoulder getting me out of my unwanted thoughts.

It was Casey. "Em, everything alright?"

'Does it look like my stupid and weak self would know that simple question?'

I didn't know how to respond to the simple question that was either yes or no. He gestured a hand out to me instead of repeating the question which I was greatful for and helped me out the colorful van. The new light made my eyes hurt, the house was like how I remembered years ago when I was younger, the grass was growing wildly and the farm animals walked carelessly into the field of green.

Casey helped me into the house, once in the house I patted his shoulder I held and asked to be set down. He looked at me concerned, but did as asked going to find April so they could get some food supplies with Donnie joining the party of theirs; it was only supposed to be a two-man mission but with a bit of arguing from the two boys, it became three.

The house smelt of old grandparents and animals, this was home. The many different family pictures still hung on the light brown wallpapered wall that decorated most of the house.

Leo was continuously pinned on my mind, it felt off to not see his face of calmness for more than two seconds after being in the small mobile. I walked up the creaky stairs hearing the splash of water being sloshed on the worn down floor boards; bathroom. Taking a left from the staircase and going over to the second door on the right, there they were.

I could tell Raph cared about Leo more than anything, his bright green eyes held stress and tiredness as he sat in the kiddy sized, wooden chair beside the tub not taking his eyes off his older brother. His skin was pale just like Leo's and I was beginning to worry about both of them. I left the scene giving Raph his time alone with Leo not wanting to interrupt.

I walked down the hall to the end and opened the door to my right scanning the chipped old door that held my name, as well as the other family members that shared this room; my tag was wrote in pathetic cursive hand writing in my favorite color at the time which was pink. I laughed inside remembering that day of the arts and craft.

I walked further inside to see the pale baby blue walls show off in the light of the sun rays from out the window, drawings that were drawn years ago were tapped do the walls of doodles of animals, family, and mysterious things I couldn't recall anymore.

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