5 months later

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             Leo POV

Five wonderful months I spent hanging out with Ember- I  mean,wonderful months I spent hanging with the family.

No we don't go out, I'm just waiting for that right moment to know if she really would go out with a creature like me. I've been over Karai, but she won't take no for an answer and she's half the reason why I haven't asked Em out, shes always in the way.

"What are you doing?"

I shot up from my seat on the couch startled once again by the infamous Angela herself, all she gave me was that innocent smile slithering her way onto the couch getting comfortable in my spot I use to be in.

I said it was nothing, of course she didn't believe me and soon Mikey came out the lab getting our attention only opening the door to where you could tell he was hiding somthing; he held a sneaky mischievous smile that proved it. I wanted to ask but the lair door opened and shutted bringing my mind to the two people coming inside this afternoon.

Ember sat on the couch very quickly not speaking a word with her hand cupped over her mouth while April sat their book bags down by the entrance. She jogged into the kitchen and soon came back out with a ice pack handing it over to Ember. I wanted to ask but Angela beat me to the punch.

"What the shell happened?''

" 'o be in Abril waz wakint anth da thy thad dew da abble ath me, he camp outh of nodweret an drip meth makith me bud mi limp''  Ember scrambled out but with her tongue and lip being iced down all I heard was Scottish; or baby gibberish.

"...........What?" I asked more confused.

"She said, so me and April was walking and the guy that threw the apple at me, he came out of nowhere and tripped me making me bust my lip" Angela quickly deciphered  helped out with the story sitting beside the injured teen.

"Wait a minute! Brice came back again!" Angela yelled jumping off the entire couch.

Ember only nodded her head, it must've been a rough fall. Her right cheek and chin was covered in dried up dirt, looking over her entire body she had a scratch on her elbow probably trying to catch her fall. Her white shirt had a huge grassy stain and her hair was messed up from it's ponytail.

It looked like she was in deep thought again like in most cases. Her face would stay stoic, pink lips parted the slightest, light blue hues of her eyes seemed to darken till you grab her attention as she continued to entangle her fingers in her hair.

My body was heated with anger pooling in, what can of ass would do that to a lady? I felt breaking that guys neck off if I could, would be the best punishment. He hurt Ember, so I can't just let that not phase me.

I felt a presence on my hand that was clenching the top of the couch unexpectedly.  The warmth it gave off immediately made the sudden anger vanish, but not fully. Ember's ocean blue eyes showed calmness and tiredness in them.

The things this girl does to me, the endless late nights and early mornings I have staying up just thinking about her, the moments in training when I have to double my concentration sparing with my brothers because all I can do is have her on my mind and  I even if I try; which I don't want to,to get Embers beautiful personality out of my head it wont, she's


"Youth obay Weo" she asked placing the frozen bag of ice in her lap

"Yeah, just know that starting right now I swear nobody else will hurt you"

"Y'all do remember that everybody else is in here right now right" April has the worse moment to intterupt things.

The tiger girl nodged April's arm, "Oh leave them alone April, you got Donnie and Casey to mess around with right"

Note to self thank Angela later for saying that

April ruffled Angela's hair in return and waving goodbye walking to the lab leaving the four of us in the family room doing our usual thing talking and playing video games and eating pizza.

I stayed in my comfy spot for a while watching Angela and Mikey on the controllers infront of the medium sized t.v. A presence moved closer beside me on the couch feeling the seat get lower from pressure. Their head placed itself on my shoulder, I could tell by the black hair that it was Ember. I looked down at her and that moment when she looked up, I know it's a lame saying but I swear my heart skipped a beat.


Ember POV

I layed my head back down on his shoulder and watched Angela and Mikey play their games laughing and yelling like little kids.

"Thanks Don"

"No problem April anytime"

My cousin returned out of one of the turtle brothers laboratory with some papers that she quickly stuck in her bookbag, most likely it was her homework.

"You ready Em?"

I groaned to myself and rolled off the couch fixing my ponytail a bit before I left and grabbed my blue and black  bag heading out side by side with April in the gruesome sewers. We said goodbye as the door closed and our footsteps echoed on the walls of the wide underground.

Now that I think about it, Leo did look rather gloomy today when we left, I guess he might have wanted to watch Space Heroes or train with us. If only I would've looked out for Brice than we could've stayed.

'Maybe you should stop being such a airhead'

"Ember, earth to Ember!"

I got out of my crazy thoughts finding a ladder in my face before it could say hi physically. I climbed up to see April giving me a questionable look when I reached the top of the hole, but I stayed quiet and moved the man cover back in it's place.

"So what was you and Donnie doing in there the whole time" I asked hoping she won't vise virsa this on me

"He helped me out with my chemistry homework"

"Isn't that called playgerisom Ap.?"

"No, just helping out a friend that's all"

"Why won't you ask Casey?"

I looked back at her from saying my question, a silence came between us. Seconds later, we were bursting with laughter with tears streaming down our faces. We continued to walk our way home which happened to be a street up in our direction.

"Yeah right, Casey can stick with pucks and a ice rank" She laughed

"Your right"

Me and my cousin kept quiet the rest of the way home. Ounce we got to the apartment door April used the spare key I gave her, in case she needed to get in my house when I wasn't present.

We entered my room with me in front, immediately going through my draws to get some shorts and giant t-shirt. I ran like a child into the bathroom down the hall on the left and switched on the lights to see my white walls making the small bathroom look bigger and turned on the shower. Stripping from my clothes, I hopped in when the temperature was warm enough and got cleaned up. Shampooing my hair and getting lost in my thoughts for a while was always a calming method for me to collect myself for the day.

After thirty minutes, I stepped out the tub drying my hair and body and dressed myself in my pj's. April was in the hallway waiting when I opened the door and switched places with her letting her go through and walked into my room throwing my dirty clothes in the little hamper I had in the corner beside my closet. The bed was calling my name as I jumped into it feeling the warm covers consume me into a deep sleep.

Ok! So Thank You for everyone that decided to take the time to read this book. Also I wanted to give a special thanks to the amazing turtle lovers that volunteered to be the characters for my books.

Snicker143 as Angela💚
tmnt51 as Ember💙

Thank you everyone

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