Not enough

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Two weeks in the new farm house and things been going pretty well... well, enough for this kind of family to handle.

I stepped out my bed slipping on my gray fuzzy slippers and headed to the door, before I can even put my hand on the door nob I saw the glimpse of myself in the wall mirror and it was not a pretty picture. My hands combed through the birds nest as best as I could pulling my hair to the middle of the back of my head trying to contain it in a messy bun for now and walked out the door finding nobody in the hallways. Maybe because it's only 5 in the morning, but doesn't everybody get up at this time?

The stairs creaked for every other step I took going down to the first floor of the house and walking slowly into the kitchen preparing to make a cup of tea, once I opened up the refrigerator forgetting I was wearing short shorts feeling the coolness leaving goose bumps on my bare legs. I took the milk out that I needed and shut the fridge taking a cup out of the cabinet and placing it under the sinks faucet filling the cup half way. My feet moved in a slow pace going over to the microwave to heat up the water.

"I guess I'm not the only one that wakes up early"

I spun my head around in the direction of the voice only to find Leo causally sitting in one of the several wooden chairs behind the bar.

Donnie scanned him with some of his equipment he was able to bring, finding out the Leo's ankle was broken and said it could possibly heal in less than 3 months, but did that stop Leo for trying to get back in the game?


He has to walk around with a cane with his ankle wrapped up to keep the bone structure still.

"Nope, just you and me ... again" I said hearing the microwave timer go off and took out the warm tea mixing in the ingredients

Ever since the scene, things have been pretty chill..... If you qualify not talking, looking, or even being able to be in the same room with each other; than yeah it's chill.

"Umm Em, a-about the time we uhh- kissed umm..."

I waited somewhat patiently to let him speak, most likely about the kiss incident. Well, I wouldn't want to call it an incident since I'm actually glad my clumsiness did something right for a change.

"The kiss... I'm sorry I'm sort of bad at this...."

Oh, I guess my luck really is about to run out. Maybe I shouldn't have thought things might go better in my life. I should've known that Leo had better things to do than kiss me. One, it was a accident on my behalf; two, Leo just woke up so he could've been too tired to function.

Leader in blue took longer than I thought to tell me the ugly truth. I'm not that fragile, am I? I trained; I placed my blood, sweat, and tears to grow into the fearless kunoichi I am today.

I'm still weak though after all. Not worthy of being around these amazing mutants and people. I'm too ugly and fat to ever be liked by even a turtle who deserves so much better than my pitiful self.

...That still gets hit with rays and bullets.

...Still need her friends for help

...That still can't confess her liking to a freaking turtle!!!

The verge to puke and yell was at the top of the list of what my body desired. I can't, that'll be so embarrassing!

The burning sensation behind my eyes seized to nothing but more unwanted fire into my house of hopes and dreams.

"I-I'm gonna head out real quick!" I said quickly forgetting my cup of breakfast.

Without his reply back, I sped walk quickly out the back door not noticing that I was basically bare footed besides the thin slippers until my footing met the crispy wet grass, but I would look like an even more idiot going back.

Lady in Blue(Book 2) (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now