Planlegger Fremfor

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Elsa had looked so beautiful on her wedding day. The date was December 15, 1845, the day she became Elsa Overland, and Jackson Overland became Prince Consort of Arendelle.

Jack had been so nervous as they placed the silver crown on his head, which fit perfectly with his white hair. His bangs were slicked back to high Hell and it made Jack more self-conscious about everyone looking at him. He was dressed in the formal Arendelle military uniform, one that was custom made with white and navy-blue coloring. He couldn't make himself believe it suited him even when he looked in the mirror. To him, he'd never look the part of royalty—the last time he wore his crown was on his wedding day, and as soon as the venue was over, Jack messed his hair back up. He didn't want the citizens to see him any differently—he was still just Jack.

Elsa, on the other hand, was an image that still made Jack's face heat up in a blush. Her blonde hair was in a perfect chignon. Her sweeping gown that was white spangled with pearl seeds cinched at her waist and then billowed out around her like sparkling snow. When her father brought her down the aisle, it was hard to not reach out and pull her into a kiss right away; they fought hard to be patient while the priest drawled out the usual vows.

When it was time for their kiss and the crowd was roaring with cheers, laughter, and some tears, Jack whispered, "You look beautiful."

Elsa whispered back, "You look like a prince." She looked over to the crowd and waved, smiling. Jack did the same while trying not to cringe every time he heard Prince Jackson!

I hope that doesn't catch on. He was thinking.

When they approached their families, now all one big family, Jack's mother hugged him the tightest she had in a long time. She was choking with a sob, but it was a happy one. "Love you." Jack whispered in her ear.

She took his face and smiled, "Your father would be so proud... He always was." Jack knew in his heart that she meant it, but when she did, Jack's own eyes became watery for a far different reason. He managed to swallow them in heartbeat and continue the ceremony beside his wife...


Jack had never imagined he would be so lucky to ever have one.

The reception was in the ballroom of the castle. The musicians played songs by Vivaldi, Mozart, and other merry tunes from famous Baroque and Rococo-era musicians. Jack knew that both he and Elsa were thinking back to their dance in North's ballroom in the North Pole, with less people and more stars in the sky. This would have to do for now.

Long into the party, someone said, "Your Royal Highnesses, it's time!"

The newlyweds had almost forgotten—the 'tradition' Elsa had warned Jack about. Together, they were to lift up the top ring of the kransekake, and however many lower rings were lifted with it would predict how many children they would have. The only other time they ate kransekake was on New Year's Eve.

Jack sighed, "You ready?"

"It's just cake." Elsa snorted. "Let's get it over with." She muttered through a smile. They approached the table of desserts. Together, Jack and Elsa lifted the top ring and everyone watched with bated breath. Two lower rings went up with the top before it gave. The crowd cheered.

"Two royal children!" Cried one.

Elsa looked at Jack and he looked at her, both big-eyed.

"Guess we'd better get started." He smirked.

Elsa elbowed his ribs, hiding her own grin. Those were festivities that would take place after the party.


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