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The Angel came to life.

Her black fingertips, pointy like thorns, cracked into motion with a spasm

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Her black fingertips, pointy like thorns, cracked into motion with a spasm. Her gaping mouth drew a tortured breath and raised its eyeless face to find out who had woken her after centuries of slumber.

Her gaze found the mortals and she let out a terrible cry that made the earth shake. It was the most horrible sound any of the humans below had ever heard. So shrill that the soldiers didn't hear anything but ringing in their ears.

She threw her body to the left, shattering some of the ice that still held her captive.

Instinct took over and Agnarr shouted, "Everyone get back!" As he prepared himself for a fight. Jack's back was pressed against Elsa's front as they both stumbled away in complete shock.

The Angel thrusted her body again and she was free. Her inhuman wails were relentless. Her pale-gold wings were glowing so brilliantly that it was hard to look directly at her without going blind—as if she'd summoned Sól herself.

But the Gods had abandoned her, they had betrayed her, and so mortals would know her wrath.

Mattias had the archers already taking aim, crossbows pointed towards those giant wings. Their arrows were as useless as sewing needles, for once they fired, all they did was bounce off of some invisible force she had around herself.

Now she was angry.

What began as a low rumble became yet another screech as her wings went ablaze and beams of light hurled towards the group. They made small explosions as they landed in the snow, and those in its path had barely jumped away in time. Everyone was scrambling, even Jack and Elsa got separated in the chaos.

Another barrage of heavenly pillars came forth. There was nothing for any of them to do but run and dodge.

Something struck her force field and she turned. Jack was shooting spears of ice at her as a distraction. He didn't know how he'd follow up, but he had to keep her off of them!

Her body creaked like tree branches in the wind as she turned to him. Panic surged through Jack once they were face-to-face; they needed to trap her again, but how? The Angel swiped its skeleton arm at Jack and he was sent tumbling.

Elsa wasn't about to let the Angel hurt her husband. "Hey, ugly!" She shouted before whipping her with a flail of ice and snow. The Angel roared.

Agnarr ran to his daughter. "Elsa!"

Then a different sound deafened them all. A simpler noise, one that was almost as terrifying as the Angel.

A chime. Even the Angel was lulled by it.

Harald held the silver chime and rang a second time. When he did, a gold light, similar to the color of the Angel's magic encased it for a moment. Everyone's jaws seemed to drop, except for Hans. Even Anna was still trying to process what was happening.

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