Alt for Norge

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The guardians were all gathered on a small ledge that overlooked the village and fjord. Even in the darkness of late-autumn night, they could see the Angel in full view. Her wings glowed so brightly that even from where they stood, they had to squint their eyes just to focus on the creature.

The village was unmistakably in shock; not a single soul was outside, and the guardians were certain that all of the houses were boarded up.

"It's just been sitting there for hours!" Bunny noted. "What's it doing?"

North put down his small telescope, "I have no idea. But we need to act soon."

"I haven't heard anything back from my girls yet." Tooth said. "I just hope everyone inside is all right."

On a stream of golden sand, Sandman descended downward and landed next to the group. North asked, "Were you able to get anyone to sleep?" He asked. One of their plans to keep the townspeople calm, especially the children, was to lure them to sleep as if it were only a bad dream. But Sandy regretfully shook his head and explained visually that the sand would dissipate every time he tried to cast his spell.

They were all too afraid.

"Blast..." North cursed. "We really are going to have to risk being seen."

Bunny didn't like that idea at all, "What do you mean?"

"If we go in and attack, certainly there's a child who believes that'll point us out. If any adult takes their word for it and suddenly spots us, then so be it."

"North, you can't be serious! We haven't even come up with a plan yet!"

"But he's right," Tooth agreed, "there are too many lives in danger to think about the rules now."

Twee! Ti!

A small fairy zipped by, followed by two of her sisters. They were frantic, "Girls, girls, calm down! What is it?" They tweeted away, their wings buzzing like a swarm of bees. Instantly, Tooth's feathers flared and she put a hand over her heart. "What? Oh, no, no!"

"What is it?" North asked earnestly.

"It's Hans. He has Jack's family hostage in there... including the children." Panic fell over the guardians, even Bunny wasn't immune to the concern. This was the most desperate situation they'd been in as a team—and now they were wondering what the Moon really wanted from getting them involved in this.

They'd never felt this helpless before, and they didn't know the ins and outs of Arendelle... They needed someone who did.


Hans scrutinized the ice crocus Iduna had kept in her dress pocket. "So, this is what it comes down to? This little ice sculpture still puts my throne in jeopardy?" He then placed it into his own pocket.

He was standing by the door of the study, where he had Jack and Elsa's family gathered. Iduna remained resolute and strong, while Emily had her head bowed, too afraid that if she provoked him, he might lash out at the children. She was holding both Nicholas and Agnes in her arms. Nicholas was asleep, miraculously, and Agnes just kept her face buried into her grandmother's neck—she didn't want to see the monster again.

Hans had collected the chime and his clothes from the prisoner's chest, where they put all confiscated things. Because he'd suspected the guards would be snatching the chime, he had a backup plan—he commanded the Angel to appear to him when he snapped his fingers. As long as he had the chime in his hand, he was in control... but Iduna was stubborn.

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