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"You BITCH!" Elsa roared and pushed past every man that was standing in her way.

Anna went ghost-white, but had she thought Elsa were alive, she would've been expecting this. She had no time to prepare herself when Elsa slapped her across the face as hard as she could.

"You took everything from me!" Elsa raised her arms to beat Anna to the ground, but she was being held back and Anna was leaping away.

"No, you have to listen to me!" Anna cried, but Elsa wouldn't hear any of it. She cut her off every time she tried to speak.

Elsa's face was bright red, and she seemed to have forgotten about all of her injuries as she fought against the men trying to hold her arms. "You and your family are scum!"

Anna didn't reply, she deserved this.

The men were shouting for Elsa to calm down, but in her frenzy, she blasted her power at the ground to create a slick, glassy coating around her that sent them sliding onto their backs and behinds.

None of them were nearly as shocked this time.

"Another one?" One of them groaned.

Anna already had a bruise on the side of her face from the slap—her entire body was still battered—but that wasn't enough to quell Elsa's wrath. Too frightened to say anything more, Anna braced herself and Elsa lunged forward, ready to throw the full force of her powers at her when she was blocked by a wooden shield. Hiccup had barely darted between them in time.

Elsa had launched a blast of ice and Hiccup looked at his now-destroyed shield, which was a little more than a splinter now. "Aw, man..." He whined.

"Who are you?" Elsa demanded.

"I could ask you the same thing!" Hiccup barked, annoyed that the woman they'd been trying to help had caused such a scene. No matter, he had a feeling who she was here for. "You wouldn't happen to know anyone named Jack, would you?"

Elsa's powers vanished at once and her entire demeanor changed. Although skeptical, her eyes lit up with hope.

Anna's heart was still racing when she peered out from behind Hiccup and said, "He's alive... and he's here."


Hiccup, Anna, and the doctor all led Elsa to the room Jack was resting in. As soon as she saw him, Elsa had to look away. It was too much.

"He's fine," Hiccup assured, "but he's really banged up. It might be a while before he can walk again... and he's got a fever." Elsa looked at him like she didn't believe him. "We just gave him some medicine, so he might be a little woozy."

Elsa took this in. The three tried to give her some privacy as she absorbed the retched sight of her battered, barely-breathing husband. Carefully, she approached and then knelt beside the bed. There was a chance he could be knocked out cold, but if there was another where she could get a glimpse of those bright, beautiful eyes to tell her he was all right, she'd take it. Slightly revealed by how the blanket was placed on him, Elsa could see the bandages all around his chest, the stains of blood on them, and she could only imagine what he'd been through without her.

As gently as she could, her fingers brushed Jack's cheek, "Jack?" No response. She tried again, a little louder, "Honey?" He stirred. She was stroking the bangs across his forehead and bringing her fingers down his face. He moaned. Then his eyes fluttered open. Blankly, they looked back into hers before slowly morphing into disbelief. Emotion overwhelmed Elsa and her eyes welled up. "Hello handsome," she smiled.

Jack truly didn't believe what he was seeing. Not even when she moved his bangs aside and kissed his forehead. This couldn't be real, unless...

"Am I dead?" He asked. His voice was strained and scratchy.

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