En Drøm

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In his fevered haze, Jack found himself standing before Yggdrasil. The mighty tree whose trunk rises at the center of the Norse cosmos. Arrayed around it and held together by its branches and roots were the Nine Worlds. It was just as described in the stories Jack's father used to read to him.

It was larger than any mountain man would dare to climb, so tall that none but the Gods could see the top. Around Jack were stars, nebulas, clouds, waterfalls... all things beautiful and majestic.

Walking closer to its roots, Jack saw three figures emerge from the bark and transform into cloaked women. He recognized them as the three Norns, Urd, Verdandi, and Skuld. The sisters who weaved the webs of fate, the past, the present, and the future.

 The sisters who weaved the webs of fate, the past, the present, and the future

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Urd said, "Who are you? State your name."

Jack's voice trembled, practically cowering beneath these mighty immortals, "J-Jackson..."

Skuld said, "What brings you forth?"

"I—I don't know! I don't even know how I got here!"

"Do you know who we are?" Verdani's voice rattled the cosmos.

"Yes... You're the three Norns."

"To you mortals." Urd briskly corrected. "To the Gods, we are the weavers of fate. They claim to be above destiny, but we Norns know better. They are at our mercy as much as any human."

Skuld, the sister of the future, asked, "Tell me, do you wish to know what lies ahead?"

The oldest sister, Urd, said, "Or the many lives of your past?"

"I want to know if my family will be safe!" Jack replied briskly. Even if I don't survive, I need to see if they'll be okay.

Verdandi, the middle child and sister of the present, stepped forward. "Why are you so keen to worry about what hasn't happened yet? What will soon become past? I tire of being overlooked."

Jack knew he was in trouble. "It's not that, I–"

"All that matters is the now." Verdandi said, her voice ethereal and haunting, "What we do now changes everything. There are endless possibilities, limitless universes we have woven based on a single action alone. Tell me, would you rather be told what lies ahead, or what you must do now to achieve it?"

Jack stepped forward; they seemed untouchable and so far away. "Tell me what to do then. Please."

Don't be foolish. Something said to him. Even the Norns don't know your true fate; they simply weave it as it happens. Jack tensed and stepped back, realizing there was truth in those words.

"Humph." Urd read his body language, "Perhaps you'll find out on your own." The three women stepped back, becoming one with Yggdrasil once again. Jack wasn't sure what he was to do next, nor how to get home.

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