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"You see, I think I have a proposition you'll find very persuasive."

When the attack happened, the entire castle shook like an earthquake had struck Arendelle. While Sophie and Agnes had been playing happily, their joy ended abruptly and Sophie leaped to grab her niece and ran for her mother's bedroom.

She could hear Nicholas crying before she got the door open. Sophie felt Agnes shaking in her arms. Emily was clutching him tightly, eyes bulging, "What the Hell was that?"

"An earthquake?" Sophie guessed although she'd never experienced one herself. Nicholas was inconsolable, and right as the women looked out the window to try and see what was happening, they were taken aback to see the enormous, winged creature. It let out its terrible cry and Agnes latched onto Sophie so deep that she was clawing her skin through her dress.

"AHHH! MOMMY!" She started shrieking; she'd never been this terrified in her life, and she could only beg that her mother or father would somehow come running.

In a different scenario, Emily and Sophie would be screaming too—they'd already be running. But they had to get a hold of themselves, stay calm for the children. Out of instinct, Emily threw her arm in front of Sophie and Agnes, trying to catch her breath. The creature, however, had no interest in them. It flew higher and out of their view.

"We need to get out of here." Sophie insisted and started guiding them down the hall. Agnes had her face buried in Sophie's shoulder the entire time. "It's okay, sweetheart." She kept saying through her trembling breath.

"Mommy...!" She sobbed. "I want Mama! I want Mama!"

"I know you do!"

"I want my Daddy!"

...So did Sophie and Emily. They had to keep their minds off of them if they wanted to make it to the emergency tunnel as quickly as possible. Arendelle Castle was old and had many secrets; one of them was a hidden tunnel beneath it that could lead them outside of the town. Only those who lived in the castle were meant to know, but Sophie had spent many, many days exploring them secretly with her friends as a child.

When they reached the bottom of the stairs, the servants were already running around, trying to wrap their heads around what they'd seen and what had happened. When Sophie scanned the crowd, she stopped dead in her tracks.

"Sophie! Come on!" Emily ushered.

"Where's Jamie?" She wondered, wide-eyed. She forgot she was still holding Agnes.

Emily had no time for this and she grabbed her arm, trying to safely balance Nicholas in the other. "We need to get out!" Instead, Sophie handed Agnes to her grandmother.

"Go on ahead, I need to find Jamie." She said, only then remembering her fiancé could be in danger as well. She hoped her mother would trust her enough to let her go, but Emily hesitated. Even Agnes looked unsure.

"It's all right, I'm just going to get Uncle Jamie." She caressed little Agnes' face and looked at her mother one more time. Emily didn't want to lose her only daughter, not when her son was missing again. Her heart couldn't bear it. Yet, in her arms, her grandchildren were holding onto her, sobbing, frightened. They needed her, and she had to be brave for them.

"I'll wait for you on the other side." Emily said.

Sophie leaned in, kissed her cheek, and hurried back into the castle.

Emily was led to the tunnel entrance by one of the guards. She held her grandchildren, whispering, "Shh, it's all right. Grandmama's got you."

Two men dressed in red, however, stood in their way and halted them.

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