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"And what happened next, nobody saw coming," Jack narrated dramatically. Agnes was curled in her bed with Elsa and Nicholas. "Just when all hope was lost, the witch about to escape the forest with the baby in her arms, she ran into the Fairy Queen!"

Agnes gasped and Elsa bit her lip to hide her laughter.

"There was no way out this time, for she knew just how to get rid of the evil sorceress once and for all."

"How?" Agnes was dying to know.

Jack grabbed her and started to tickle her all over. "By tickling her to death!" She squealed so loudly that it made Nicholas' face scrunch up with annoyance. Elsa recognized that grumpy look.

"And with that, it's bedtime." She announced.

Both Agnes and Jack frowned, "Aww..." But Jack knew she was right and started to settle Agnes into bed.

" But Jack knew she was right and started to settle Agnes into bed

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(Artist: LilxMissyyyy )

"Mama and Daddy have a big day tomorrow." Elsa reminded. "Our friends from Denmark are arriving in the morning." She explained in a way that was easy for Agnes to understand. "And then it's our big trip up the coast."

"How come I can't go with you?" Agnes asked. She'd asked this many times by now, and their answer was always the same.

"It's dangerous up north." Explained her father. "Your mom and I don't get cold, but you and your brother do. We're only going to make sure everyone else stays safe."

Agnes pouted. "I wish that I had magic."

Her frustrated little expression was almost adorable, but her parents were certain that there was some concern in being separated from her parents. It's not like they didn't feel the same way. Elsa laid a gentle hand on her shoulder, "Agnes, sweetie, you'll be fine when we're gone, won't you?"

"Yeah! Grandmama says she's gonna teach me how to bake an apple pie."

It relieved her to see Agnes so excited, "Oh, good." She cooed. Nicholas whimpered. It was time for his meal and then bed.

"C'mere." Jack soothed and took him lovingly in his arms. "Say good night to your brother."

Agnes crawled over and kissed Nicholas' cheek. Elsa couldn't help it, she let out an 'aww.' They were able to tuck her into her blankets without any other delays and they left the room.

Elsa's heart fluttered, "Do you think she'll be okay?"

For a moment, it looked like Jack didn't know what to say. He had a self-assured aura when he said, "Of course." He threw in, "She's brave, like you."

Was he just trying to be romantic or was he being sincere? Either way, Elsa felt he'd earned a kiss from that statement.

"And like you." Elsa whispered.

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