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For guests so demanding and precise, the Westergaards (perhaps, excluding the princess) sure were the friendly bunch.

Hans was eager to know about the castle's history as Elsa showed him and Anna around, dragging Jack along with her for the ride. There was such a striking difference between the four. Hans was lively and chatty while Jack was quiet and reserved. Elsa herself was talkative and outgoing, but even more so, she simply looked freer than Anna.

Anna's dress was long and form-fitting, pinned all the way to her neck. Elsa's dress was loose and fell off her shoulders, her hair free and wild in a long braid while Anna's was kept in place on the back of her head. Anna spoke not a single word the entire exchange, making Jack wonder if he had more in common with her than he'd like to think.

She'd occasionally make glances over at him that Jack couldn't decipher. It looked like she was scrutinizing his every movement while Elsa was only background noise. Whatever it was, it made his skin itch and he wanted to escape.

Hans pointed to one of the paintings in the hall, "Are these you two?"

The couple looked and saw what he was talking about. "That was our wedding day." Elsa answered dreamily. "Almost seven years ago." She took Jack around the waist as memories of that perfect evening washed over her.

"And still going strong, it would seem." Hans commented with a smile, one that felt oversaturated to Jack. Was it his own insecurities talking, or was it the discomfort in the pit of his stomach trying to tell him something? Just grin and bear it. "How many children did you say you had?"

Elsa was happy to answer. "Two. A girl and a boy."

Hans gave his sister a look, "Hah! A perfect pair." Nothing from Anna. "How old?"

"Well, our daughter is five, and our son is only five months."

Hans was genuinely amazed. "Five months? And you're both wide awake and alert?"

"We've adapted to permanently being half-asleep." Jack said, finally joining the conversation.

Hans chortled. "If I may, you're both still quite young. Do you think about having more?"

At that, Elsa and Jack's faces buckled in sync. Nicholas wasn't even a year old yet, so of course, they hadn't thought about it. Was it something they should have been considering? "Maybe when our son is a bit older," Elsa replied.

Jack tried to joke to alleviate the tension. "I don't think we'll reach a number as impressive as twelve kids."

Hans rolled his eyes, "Be thankful. Twelve kids are twelve times the headaches. Don't we know it?" He raised a brow at Anna, who made a slight facial expression back. Even when emoting, it was stilted and awkward. It made Elsa wonder if she'd been drugged before stepping off of the boat.

"Beg pardon?" Kai, the servant, approached them. "Prince Hans and Princess Anna's presence have been requested by his Highness, King Harald."

Hans nodded. "I'm afraid we'll have to cut the tour short. I'm sure we'll see you at dinner?"

"Oh, yes." Elsa grinned.

Hans bowed, "My Lord, My Lady." And Anna curtsied. They walked down the hall and then turned a corner.

Once they couldn't see them anymore, Jack and Elsa looked at each other at the same time. "Stiff or what?" Elsa mumbled, referring to Anna.

"You think we scare them?"

Elsa wasn't sure if he was kidding or not. "How would we scare them? Was I smiling too much?" She laughed.

"Guess they do things differently over in Denmark."

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