Går Nordover

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The day of their departure had come.

Servants were helping carry trunks of clothes, food, and other supplies onto the ship. People were gathering around the harbor to get a chance to wave goodbye to the royal families as they left. Preparations had begun early that morning, and by daybreak, they were about to set sail.

As the moment they were due to board grew closer and closer, the more the gravity of where they were going and why stung Jack. They were heading north, right in the Arctic Circle, to exhume some fossil that was rumored to be the last of an old race once worshipped by Vikings and the Southern Sámi.

What the Westergaards wanted with it, he didn't know, nor did he care. He just knew that he and Elsa were going to help clear the way and keep as much of the cold at bay as possible for them. Agnarr was invited along as part of his deal in sealing the alliance and to show goodwill.

In most tales, this 'creature' was called a Valkyrie, but Harald had explained that this was not the case with the Angel. Odin had six known maidens; Skuld, Skögul, Gunnr, Hildr, Göndul, and Geirskögul. But while these were the Valkyries of legend, Odin had a seventh nameless maiden who could not fulfill her dream of ascension, as she was an ill and feeble woman.

In an attempt to reach the battlefields as the other maidens did, the seventh maiden struck a deal with Hel, who promised to make her a Valkyrie in exchange for her beauty. What the trusting maiden did not know was that Hel, very much like her father would, had tricked her and instead, made her a grotesque, misshapen being that was shunned by the Gods.

It was said she was cast out of Valhalla and crashed on Earth... and the Westergaards believe they knew her exact location.

"It will take us maybe four days just to get there, but from where we set anchor and row to shore, the walk up the mountain won't be far at all." Harald told Agnar. Before arriving, the two discussed taking horses and carriages instead of sailing, but the terrain was too dangerous and the journey would be much longer than needed. "The princess and her consort should make this much easier than it would've been otherwise."

Agnarr glanced to his left, where Elsa and Jack stood with Iduna, Emily, Sophie, and his grandchildren. "Excuse me," he bid and walked towards them. The first thing he did was take Iduna into his arms and then place a kiss on her lips.

"Arendelle's in good hands." She assured.

"I know." He turned his attention to his grandchildren.

Jack said, "All right, kiddo, give Grandpa hugs and kisses."

Agnes ran to Agnarr and showered his face with kisses. "Oh, my dear." He chuckled. "Behave while I'm gone." He said as he set her down.

"I will!"

Elsa was holding Nicholas. She brought him close so Agnarr could look at his curious face. He gave his nose a small poke and the infant giggled. That was absolute torture for Elsa—she wouldn't be getting to see that smile or hear that squeaky laugh for a whole week.

Agnes returned to Jack and he knelt down to her height, "C'mere, Princess." He whispered and she came in close for a tight hug. The longer it went on, the more Jack didn't want to let go. He pried himself away, "Be brave, okay?"

An odd choice of words, she thought, but she nodded, "I will, Daddy."

His heart felt so heavy. "I love you, sweetheart."

"I love you too."

"Now come give Mommy a hug." Elsa took her into her arms next, letting Emily hold Nicholas.

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