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Sophie gave Agnes a gentle shake, "Agnes, sweetie. Wake up!" There was a smile in her voice. Agnes groggily rolled over and wiped her eyes. "Someone's a sleepyhead!" She laughed.

"I had a bad dream," Agnes whined, "I couldn't find Daddy..."

Sophie's heart sank, but she brushed it off and said, "Well, guess what. There's a ship that's about to dock soon. Guess who's on it!"

Agnes' eyes lit up, "Mama and Daddy?"

Sophie beamed and tickled Agnes' belly, "Better get ready to see them!"

Agnes giggled and hopped up out of bed, "I wanna wear my purple dress!" Sophie sighed with relief when she saw her niece back to her sprightly self. She helped her get ready and then joined her family out at the docks. Emily was cradling Nicholas while Agnes was practically bouncing as the ship got closer and closer.

When it docked, there was a long while before men began to exit the ship. They looked battered and exhausted, their uniforms torn; and there weren't nearly as many guards as the family remembered sending. Sophie felt her heart sink into her stomach; she exchanged a puzzled glance with her mother.

Iduna winced. When she saw Mattias, she paced forward, "General,"

"Your highness!" He jolted. The entire way back, he'd been trying to think of how to tell her... there just wasn't any proper way.

"...What happened?" She asked in a hushed voice to not alarm the citizens behind her.

Mattias gathered his breath, "...Harald betrayed us. He used the creature to attack our group, but then there was an avalanche." Queen Iduna's face began to fall. Her normally stern, stoic face was sinking into the most vulnerable Mattias had ever seen from her.

"Where is Agnarr?" Her voice was quivering. Mattias didn't need to answer; his lack of response was all she needed to know.

Iduna's entire body began to shake, her knees crumpled and her dress billowed out around her as she sank to her knees. Mattias knelt down and held her. The sight was one of pure horror to the citizens watching far behind. Emily's eyes bulged, "What's happened?" She asked herself, her heart racing.

"Where's Mommy and Daddy?" Agnes asked. Sophie almost lost her breath until she reached into her dress pocket and smoothed her fingers over something.

"Where's my daughter?" Iduna shouted, lost in grief.

Mattias was trying to hand her a crocus made out of ice, "She's still alive, she asked me to give this to you."

"Where is she?"

"She ordered us to—"

"She orders no one. You obey your king!" She shouted, not recognizing her own voice. The shouting was alarming Agnes, who was clutching her grandmother's dress.

Sophie turned to Emily, "Mom, we need to talk."

Emily was shaking. Sophie turned to Jamie, "Will you take the kids?"

"Of course." He approached and took Nicholas while he tried to take Agnes' hand.

"I want Mommy and Daddy!" She cried.

"Sweetie, it's okay," Sophie tried to comfort, "go play with Uncle Jamie."

Agnes fell into a puddle of loud sobs and messy tears, almost matching Iduna's. Jamie managed to pick her up in his free arm and carry her away. He shushed her gently, but it wasn't enough. Emily could still hear her wailing as she was taken away.

Sophie took Emily's hands, "Mom."

"You!" They heard Iduna shout. Looking up, they saw two Arendelle guards bringing forward a prisoner in chains. It was Hans. His coat was torn to bits and he had cuts on his face. He still had a vaguely smug expression underneath his weary face. Iduna recomposed herself. She had been on the ground bawling seconds ago, but now she was erect, hard-faced, and walked forward so she was centimeters away from Hans' face.

The King of ArendelleWhere stories live. Discover now