En Gammel Venn

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Sophie handed Emily the stone made of ice Jack had given to her. When Sophie had told Jack she didn't trust the Westergaards, he knew he had to find a way for her to know he was safe. That's why he created the ice stone and gave it to her before leaving.

"I don't understand," Emily mused, "where are Jack and Elsa? Why didn't they all just look for him and bring him home?"

"They said something happened with the creature." Sophie reasoned. "With Hans prisoner, they probably wanted to get back to Arendelle as soon as possible."

"So my son and daughter-in-law are out there with some monster?"

"Mom," Sophie gestured to her, "calm down. They're both capable of taking care of themselves."

"There was an avalanche, Sophie. They didn't even find Princess Anna."

Sophie was going to try to reassure her again when the door to the library opened. Jamie approached, "I got Nicholas down for a nap. Agnes took a while, but she calmed down. Gerda's playing with her."

Sophie sighed with relief, "That's good."

Emily asked, "What'd you tell her?"

"I didn't know what to say," Jamie confessed, "all I could think was that Mama and Daddy and Grandpa are still on their trip."

Sophie frowned, remembering the scene Iduna made all over again, "Oh, Agnarr..." She knew exactly what Elsa must be feeling right now; she was sure Emily could understand Iduna's feelings all too well. But empathy wouldn't solve their current problems. "I'm gonna go talk to General Mattias."

Emily wrinkled her brow, "What can he do?"

"He probably knows more about what's going on. I'm sure he interrogated Hans on the ship coming home."

"Soph," Jamie stopped her, "maybe leave that to the Queen. I don't think she wants us getting involved."

"We have a right to know!" She argued.

Emily couldn't take any more stress. She stood up, "I'm gonna check on the kids. They probably need their grandma."

Sophie gazed at her, compassionate. "Okay, Mom." When Emily left the room, Sophie's resolve was stronger than before. "I'm gonna talk to the General. I'm gonna get to the bottom of this and take it from there."

Jamie thought he could get used to his fiancé's impatience. Her strong will was something he'd admired in her since they were children, but in their adult years, he was beginning to worry it would only get her into trouble. "So wait, you're just gonna go out to find Jack and Elsa yourself?"

"I don't know. Let me find out."

"Sophie, this situation's already out of hand as it is, don't make it worse."

"How can it be worse?" Her temper flared, her emotions began to unravel, "I lost my brother once already. I'm not going to lose him again."

Jamie understood now. He tried again, "Sophie. It's going to be all right. Jack's fine. Elsa's fine. I'm sure they're with each other. Right now, your mother needs you."

Sophie exhaled through her nose, thinking rationally again, "I know... I still need to talk to Mattias. I just—I have to know what happened to my brother up there." Before leaving, she took Jamie's hands, "I need you to trust me."

Jamie grimaced, he was just worried about her hearing bad news and getting more worked up. He knew that no matter what he said, however, Sophie would do whatever she wanted. He responded, "I do." She kissed her hand and let her go.

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